Desparete Case
Dec-23-2004 12:36
I'm currently doing a favor, and it's on hard level, three threads found at the crime scene, the tailor clammed after the first question, there are three suspects, all suspects clammed. This favor is for the banker, so I'm hoping he will become a contact.......any suggestions or should I quit?
Replies |
Dec-23-2004 22:09
Um... You also have equipment that you could switch out. I don't know what skills you have, but with a tough and charming character, I would go with tough or charming equipment. The chemist kit is for smart characters. Choose equipment that best suits your skills.
Dec-24-2004 04:04
giulianar thats true if u r in agency, but if u work alone you will need smart to search crime scene and you dont have the privilige of changing at the locker.
Dec-24-2004 17:13
All the items I have are from favors, I didn't have to pay a dime. The only reason why I'm keeping those right now is because I don't need the money. I would try to guess whose guilty and hope to get it right but I paid shady over 4 times now.......lol, at least he was cheap for me.
Dec-25-2004 05:52