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How was your Sleuth day?
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Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Aug-25-2011 09:05

Have you just had your best day of Sleuthing ever? Solved your first AI case? Got your last contact? Picked up your first treasure? Found a spoon? Finally got into the Prince's Palace?*

This is the place to share the joy, have a 'woot' or two and be congratulated by your fellow Sleuths.

Or maybe you've just had to pay Shady enough cash to finance a small war. Or reached screaming point with the tailor in Delhi. Or been pirated twice in a row. Or fallen into a trap three times running. You can share the woe, too, and we'll commiserate. We've probably been there too.

Me? I'm just happy that after two days' worth of 'south of the race track' I've finally got out of Shanghai :)

(* If you don't get the references, never mind. You could ask someone. Or you could just wait and see what the world of Sleuth brings you further down the line...)



Mar-17-2021 10:42

Slow as molasses for me as well :(

Not going to try and slog through, so unfortunately losing a(nother) day of cases for my detectives

King Aegon
King Aegon
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Mar-17-2021 11:37

I'm not sure that the admins read this thread (if any). We should post on the separate thread with a bombastic tabloid-like title such as "SLEUTH SLUGGISH - AGAIN!" :D


Mar-17-2021 12:25

Yep, as slow as a snail in the mud.


Mar-17-2021 12:51

It's a vicious circle isn't it? More bandwidth costs more money. But slow traffic will cause ppl to pay less for subscriptions so little $$$ can be generated to pay for more bandwidth.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Mar-17-2021 13:57

Ben DID come online and fix it and its working.

James Masters
James Masters

Mar-19-2021 02:59

Surprisingly good day today. Finally got a good upgrade for a piece of equipment, got through some cases, earned about three skill points (so damn slow at this point) and really made use of my new skill. Managed to crack a few cases just by great use of my contact.


Mar-19-2021 06:36

Hopefully I don't have to wait to board that damn ole ship. Out of cases for today tho.

Banana John
Banana John
Old Shoe

Mar-21-2021 03:15

The Delhi podiatrist ended up on my pay roll today. His colleague in London and the NY Shoe Maker were already part of my network. I'm trying to establish a feet maffia.

James Masters
James Masters

Mar-21-2021 04:45

At least you know that in those cities, footprints will be an open book to you.

Today I ranked up again, can now do ridiculously hard, did the two rid h scripted mysteries. Established a Detective agency and had a pretty good run with cases. Even managed to get another skill. Now I'm aiming for either pick pocketing or handwriting analysis.

Big Winner

Mar-21-2021 05:00

I'd definitely go for the handwriting analysis skill first, James. Pick pocketing can wait until all your interrogation and smart skills are at an advanced level. I'd also choose research if you don't have it already.

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