Hostage %#@ Negotiation
Beaufort T. Knox
Aug-22-2011 09:53
Is it normal or does it randomly 'stink' to have the pirates nab you back-to-back? I don't have Hostage Negotiation because I'm going to get trap detection. However, I tried to move from Delhi to NY and got caught by pirates. No problem, that happens sometimes, but immediately tried to travel to NY again and got caught by pirates AGAIN. That's the first time for either of my agents to get nabbed like that in the 3 to 4 years I've been playing.
My 3rd try got me to NY, but I've spent 12 cases and made 1 move.
I understand the chances you take not having Hostage Negotiation and I don't have a problem with it. However, the 'double-whammy' is a little ridiculous, don't you think?
Replies |
Aug-22-2011 11:26
The chances are pretty random,so you can't really deduce that this happens all the time from one encounter.
I've had it happen to me as well.No biggie,just move on.Be glad you aren't losing any money!
Aug-22-2011 13:14
Happened to me as well last week. Got caught twice, back to back, travelling from London to New York. I guess it's Pirate Time of the month , lol. I still prefer trap detection. Pirates are very rare and not worth our being upset by them ;-)
Aug-23-2011 01:00
You may also be caught 3 times in a row, but I do think Admin have changed so that the chances to get caught is greatly reduced (but not gone) when you have lost about 6 cases. There is an old post about this somewhere.
Aug-23-2011 04:32
Honestly,the chances of being caught even once is rare:I've travelled 3 times a day and have not met the pirates at all!I believe the chance of running into pirates is about 1/5.
Safety Officer
Aug-23-2011 16:14
The chance to have that happen is much reduced. It's rare but it'll happen occasionally.
Beaufort T. Knox
Aug-23-2011 22:24
Thanks, Y'all!
I had to post the question, both in frustration and curiosity.
I also knew that I would be educated and comforted by y'all's answers. That's one of the many reasons I still thoroughly enjoy this game.
Thanks, again.
(good to see ya still sneakin' around SS).