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Frances Taylor
Frances Taylor

Aug-3-2011 17:52

Looking forward to joining an agency. The Silk Merchant ( Shanghai) is my contact. Also, I am good with The Circle of Light (23).


Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Sep-15-2011 16:02

Lets stay on topic please!


Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

Sep-15-2011 19:16

Well, an interesting discussion (what I can see of it). Let me say this about that.

I am a founding director at FBI, and the only remaining active one. I have been there when the office was all a-buzz, and when the halls have seemed very quiet. I have seen the family and business personality traits played out, and not always prettily. I would love to have a more vibrant and competitive agency, but Real Life prevents my own intense participation so I have a hard time demanding it from my detectives.

So I am happy with what I can get, and proud to be able to truthfully say that when all of the chips are counted, FBI is a safe place to experience Sleuth at whatever level a player may desire. I have some open offices, and some sentimental door names, and players of every level of engagement.

Would I like to have an HQ as active and vibrant as Night Queen describes? Of course, but only if my detectives chose to go there with me. In the meantime, I am happy to just know that they are doing what gives them pleasure and entertainment without threats or intrigue or pressure.

Our day of intensity will come again, just as the passions of life ebb and flood. But in it's own time.


Sep-17-2011 08:25

So much deletion, so much curiosity, so many questions...

What to do?!What to do?!


Sep-17-2011 10:49

I am glad you posted your response, and I would guess there was a misunderstanding. My post was not about active or inactive players per say. It was giving an example as to why some active players are not subscribed to be full-time. so my apology to all for any misunderstanding. And by the way, it got me a subscription to play full time now, so thanks again all.


Sep-17-2011 20:03

The reason is simple:Your ideas are simply TOO good to use. :)
We keep deleting your posts because your ideas are of GREAT value,and we think it would be unfair to the other players implement your ideas here.

Hope you can understand. :)


Sep-17-2011 21:21

Let me state that when I say 'we', I would mean 'They', but I'm with them, so 'We' is acceptable in this case. :)

Frances Taylor
Frances Taylor

Sep-18-2011 23:05

First, as all of you can see, I have aside the appearance of age for youth. I am good with the Triads and my first london contact is the Tea Merchant.

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