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The 10 Million Club Welcomes...
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Lady Sirocco
Lady Sirocco

Jun-14-2011 08:37

**** Night Queen ***

Congratulations! You are my inspiration.

Another post had congratulated C-Lo on reaching this mark in 297 days--supposedly a record shattering time. But you did it in...

208 days!!!!!

By my rudimentary math, that is an average of 48,000 points per day. Truly splendid.


Fire Princess
Fire Princess

Jun-15-2011 15:30

Wow, 10 million points!

I have almost 830,000 points with 600 cases solved. How many cases did it take you to reach 10 million?

Lady Sirocco
Lady Sirocco

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Night Queen
Night Queen
Old Shoe

Jun-16-2011 15:44

Well, Fire, it was accomplished in 3,035 cases. Most of those were AI cases, and many were favor cases. I guess that averages to...
3,295 xp a case.

Higher than the 2,560 points of a Ridiculously Hard case, the next level lower than AI cases. The average number of cases was...
14.6 cases per day.

I can't take all the credit though. I have been with Vampiric Crypt since my beginning.
Vampiric Smile,
Vampiria Dragonis,
Lady Sirocco, and
Anne Miranda
all contributed cases to me. I hope I didn't inadvertantly omit anyone. I purposely left Zweibel off this list of contributors because she--by far more than anybody--generously fed me cases.

Zweibel, you are most special to me.

My belief is that this milestone should be a tribute to my remarkable family in Vampiric Crypt. The Crypt is a consistent hive of support and activity.

Outside of the Crypt, special recognition should go to Lady Jas who helped me the most persuing AVH's through Cairo. Also, special recognition to Riza Hawkeye and C-LO who inspired me (unintentionally) to reach this milestone so quickly.

Now, I will simply continue adding xp. Certainly because there is a community spirit that is hard to explain in Sleuth Noir. But mainly because I love my Crypt family.

David Adams
David Adams

Jun-18-2011 12:19

Good job, Night Queen!! Congratulations!! :-D

Oh, and if Ctown asks (yet again) *sigh* about the Secret Handshake...

(That boy will never learn.)

You know nothing, yes? ;-)

Good for you! :-D


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