Jun-1-2011 11:22
I have been given a gender, profile and some initial training and skills. But, my owner don't really want to continue raising me. The first one sending me a message, willing to give me some more training, will be given my password, and thereby transferred ownership for free.
Currently I am 1 day old, subscribed for a month, have finished 23 cases, and quit one. I have done no favors, and thus have no contacts, so may be formed as you wish.
My current skills are:
Hair Analysis, Thread Analysis, Advanced Rule Bending, Advanced Sweet Talking, Research and Hand Writing Analysis and no free skill points.
My money account reads $1200, and I can with some good strategy and luck solve Incredibly Hard cases. This can be improved by giving me some clothing and equipment.
Anyone out there having the time, will and energy to take care of me?