Before I go on a villain hunt...
Jan-17-2011 15:46
What tips can the more experienced players offer? I've looked through the threads and these are what I have seen:
* Set aside lots of money.
* Obtain contacts for each city.
* Get good equipment which you can travel around in.
Did I miss out any? Like, do I have to make space in my inventory for the rewards? Or can I "teleport" it into my agency?
By the way, is Cairo included in the Arch Villain Hunts? I haven't unlocked Cairo yet. Do I have the option of turning off the option of having Cairo in the AVH?
Thank you so much!
Replies |
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Jan-24-2011 01:04
I agree that smarts do make a difference to the crime scene.
I once tried doing a couple of AVHs travelling around with an apartment so I could change gear. There was a small advantage, but not enough to make it worth the money.
Pinball Amateur
Jan-24-2011 19:37
You only need to have a smarts factor of about +1 or 2 to get 3 of the 4 pieces of evidence identified usually (least in my experience). Repeats can be annoying, yes, but they do offer you one thing that quits don't -- experience. I prefer them over quits any day of the week. Quits are just plain ol' exasperating (and yes, you will get those too, no way around that, sorry.)
Different cities offer different clues. Some cities are easier to figure out, some more challenging. One, in particular, takes some gray cells and patience to work through (sorry, 'twould be a spoiler to say more. ;-).
Keep up the good work. You're doing great. ;-D
Jan-25-2011 07:34
"The notorious criminal Sir Nero Marlowe was brought to justice by Dellilah after a painstaking hunt in which the heroic detective successfully tracked the villain around the world."
*bounces about like a binky bunny*
Yay, my first captured villain! This is so great! Thank you everyone for giving me advice and encouragement and confidence! :D I couldn't have done this without you. :D *hugs*!
Night Queen
Old Shoe
Jan-25-2011 11:06
Congratulations!!! Arch-Villains the world over are feeling the walls closing in on them.
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe
Jan-25-2011 18:41
Bet you can't wait to start another, right?
Carry the torch and go get those Arch Villians.
Old Shoe
Jan-25-2011 19:12
CONGRATS Dellilah!!! Have you retrieved your wonderful reward yet! Funnest part!!
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
Jan-26-2011 22:19
We all know how important the catch of your first fish is!
Morning Star
Jan-26-2011 23:30
Congratulations! A job well done :-)
Jan-27-2011 05:47
I got a beautiful Bejeweled Compact. It's a lovely little thing. :)
Night Queen
Old Shoe
Jan-27-2011 10:19
Next time I'm in London, we will have a toast to your success at the Margarita Grange. You can have your usual margarita, and I will have my usual Bloody Mary. heh heh heh :-D