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Sienna Pendragon
Sienna Pendragon

Dec-12-2010 13:34

I am a couple of days old, and I was wondering what the difference was between easy and beginner and beginner and intermediate in terms of average number of suspects, fake alibis and skills needed (or highly recommended).


Sienna Pendragon
Sienna Pendragon

Dec-13-2010 01:48

Thank you!

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Dec-13-2010 06:44

s per Lockhelm Shores' hard work :-)

Difficulty | Total suspects | Suspects with False Alibis
Beginner | 5-6 | 2-3
Easy | 5-6 | 3
Intermediate | 6-7 | 3-4
Hard | 7-8 | 3-4
Really Hard | 7-8 | 4
Really Really Hard | 8-9 | 5
Incredibly Hard | 8-9 | 5
Stupendously Hard | 9-10 | 6
Ridiculously Hard | 10-11 | 7
Almost Impossible | 10-11 | 7

Pinball Amateur

Dec-13-2010 14:46

The only difference between Beginner and Easy cases is that Beginner cases are only solveable for the first 10 days of a detective's life. After that, you will not be able to access them any more. The rest of the info Morning Star and Turtledove have given you is dead bang on, so to speak. ;-)


Sienna Pendragon
Sienna Pendragon

Dec-15-2010 09:07

Thank you!!

Pinball Amateur

Dec-24-2010 09:20

No problemo. ;-)

Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

Dec-25-2010 17:30

One item of advice I would offer. After you have basic Physical Evidence capabilities, and somewhere along the line while you acquire your Tough or Charm skills, I highly recommend Research. It is pricey, but essential, especially as you attempt harder cases. Reason - it allows you to always eliminate one of the suspects with a fake alibi, reducing the number of possible guilty suspects.

Jigoku Shōjo
Jigoku Shōjo

Feb-17-2011 21:21

How about the number of physical evidences found for each case level?

Lawrence Wargrave
Lawrence Wargrave
Tale Spinner

Feb-17-2011 22:02

The number of physical evidence depends on which case level you are. You can have from 2 to 4 pieces of evidence (that is on IH cases and up if I'm not mistaken) , but it also depends on you having the right set of skills; for example you can't pick up threads from the crime scene unless you have Thread Analysis and the same happens with hair, etc.

Hope it helped a bit

Jigoku Shōjo
Jigoku Shōjo

Feb-18-2011 19:48

I have both hair and thread analysis but most of the time on hard cases, i found only 2 and sometimes 3, but the information given said that there's 3, which its suppose to be 2 - 3. so, does anyone know where i can get the correct information?

Lawrence Wargrave
Lawrence Wargrave
Tale Spinner

Feb-18-2011 21:15

Difficulty " People " Suspects " Evidence

Easy " 5-6 " 3 " 2
Intemediate " 7 " 3" 2
Hard " 8 " 3 " 3
Really Hard " 8 " 4 " 3
Really Really Hard " 8-9 " 5 " 3
Incredibly Hard " 8-9 " 5 " 4
Stupendously Hard " 9-10 " 6 " 4
Ridiculously Hard " 10-11 " 7 " 4
Almost Impossible cases " 11 " 7-8 " 4

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