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Hints from Townies
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Old Shoe

Jul-21-2010 07:07

If a townie tells you that Yolanda Bankhart (for example) thinks she knows who the murderer isâ€"I know this will give you another suspect but does it also mean that Yolanda Bankhart is more likely to give you WE on a suspect?

Thanks for the help you guys give us newbies, I know this stuff can get repetitious!


Old Shoe

Jul-23-2010 18:00

Good point

Dark Raven
Dark Raven
Trusted Informer

Jul-26-2010 02:07

In every mystery, you will have multiple WE on the various suspects you may have. In order to acuse you have to either have one WE and a false aliby or two WE on the same suspect. If you need it, pm me your email and I'll send you a picture of a case I did that shows everything you need to know.

Hope it helps.

Old Shoe

Jul-26-2010 08:20

Thanks DR, I finally got that part figured out! I appreciate the help!

Old Shoe

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