Something New!!
Apr-10-2010 06:54
I saw this when I logged on just now. Now what do you think this means??
Apr-10-2010 06:26
Villain's Mysterious Disappearance
Agents of the Prince of Shangri-La professed today that they were baffled by Mordred "the Snake" Malatesta's disappearance. Last seen with co-conspirator Patricia Green, his whereabouts remain a mystery, as she had no knowledge of his travel plans.
This is really exciting!!
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
May-8-2010 08:41
Using the City News was a great idea SS. We had our Treasure Hunts and captured Villans covered and now we can have news on the escaped villains! Makes for very interesting reading :-)
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
May-12-2010 07:16
It's been a while since the City News mentioned anything about an escaped villain. Does this mean that Sleuthville's hunters are getting to be experts at roping them in? ;-)
Safety Officer
May-12-2010 17:11
For now :) the escaped Villain scenario was a way to kick off the Cairo leg of Villain Hunts. I think if we started, for example, having villains escape, and players re-catching them, or going after, say, other players failed hunt villains, then that would be a much, much, larger project.
Heh, when I played and just had 'ideas' everything seemed so simple, now I know what it takes to make even a little thing happen... eesh!
Louise Cornwallis
May-25-2010 04:59
Yayyy! Something now now... (I think)
City new, 'EXTRA EXTRA!'
Lucky Stiff
Jul-17-2010 08:57
Woah! Didn't count on getting so much sand in my shoes chasing after"the Loon". That was a surprise! And exciting and enjoyable. I love the new clues, although one of them clues is quite sneaky.
On a side note, my first failed VH! Cairo is Al-Qahirah indeed.
Assistant Postman
Jul-20-2010 09:23
@ topkebab
LOL! I find this funny, because my first failed hunt, and only so far is Kaihan "the Loon" Dvorkin . Those "Loon" characters seem to be a slippery lot. :D