2010 March Madness
Anais Nin
Feb-22-2010 13:47
Waaaay before my time here, Serges hosted Sleuth March Madness in 2007. I thought it looked like a lot of fun, so... without further ado, The copy pasted rules from then with minor modifications! ;)
The premise is pretty simple. We compile a list of 64 of the game's most recognizable players, seed them into a tournament bracket, and allow Sleuthville to vote for the "best" in each matchup.
Rules for eligibility:
You are not allowed to nominate yourself.
You may nominate up to 3 persons.
The nominated must be over 30 days old by March 1, 2010, and active.
Entries and nominations should be messaged ASAP. As soon as we get 64, the seeding process will begin and the matchups will be posted.
After the initial bracket is filled, I will post a few matchups here every day. Then, the people involved in those matchups will have an opportunity to say "anything" on this thread that they feel will allow them to advance to the next round of competition. Sleuthville votes will be what decides the winners, and voting information will be coming soon.
The overall winner of this tournament will receive $100,000 sleuth cash.
We will start the voting on March 1st, so get your nominations in as quickly as possible! Please PM me the nominations, and I will be posting a list of who has been nominated, the brackets, and all that fun stuff as we go. :)
Replies |
Con Artist
Mar-27-2010 15:16
I would like to take this opportunity to say a BIG Thank You to all who voted for me. I did not expect to get as far as I did. Thank you very much.
Not once did I regret spending my time playing this game. And I am even more fortunate to have found friends in this game. There are a lot of kind, friendly and generous people here. You have all helped Aknas grow. Thank you very very very very much for your friendships and for the good memories.
Your sleuthly,
Anais Nin
Mar-28-2010 22:09
The winner of the March 25th pairing is Anikka! Congratulations!
The winner of the March 26th pairing is Rosamund Clifford! Congratulations!
We are now on our FINAL PAIR! It doesn't seem so long ago that this all started, does it? ;)
Anikka Vs Rosamund Clifford
Good luck to you both!!! :D
Cast your votes now! Voting ends March 30, 23:59 SST. Winner will be announced March 31st. :)
Safety Officer
Mar-28-2010 23:56
Oh my, what a crappy choice. Well not the nominees, just the thought of choosing.
Both these 'ladies of Sleuths' have kept me sane, interested, and amused (in no particular order), more often than I care to think of, and have offered me more sage advice over the years than any squirrel has a right to.
They remind me: my brain is not as big as I think it is; that you can be constructive without being negative; that you can contribute without fanfare, or even recognition for that matter; and that kindness, whilst in decline, is not completely dead.
Happily, whilst the choice is hard, there is however no bad decision to be made. Either are worthy.
I commend both these Sleuths to you.
Squirrel out.
Mar-29-2010 05:54
Wah, I wrote a totally amazing "Vote for Rosa" campaign, and my computer rebooted itself. And while I'll have no trouble whatsoever recapturing the sentiments expressed and the feeling behind them, I don't think I'll be able to say everything as eloquently as what I had before "the evil rebooting".
I could always just go with, "Vote for Rosamund Clifford because she really cares about Noir!"
Or, of course, "Vote for Rosamund Clifford because she's creative and talented and deserves to be recognised and thanked for it!"
Or, my favourite, "Vote for Rosamund Clifford or I'll break your kneecaps!"
Then again, there's always:
Rosa is the person who perhaps doesn't say much, and who never thrusts herself into the limelight. She is the person who puts out a multitude of clever, creative Scripted Mysteries, trying to get people more involved in places like Cairo and the Sleuthetania and Big Lucy's Cabaret. She is the person who likes to stay in the background while adding content to make your gaming day more interesting (Queen of the Little Job questions!).
Rosamund Clifford is the person you should vote for. She gives so much to the game, to the community, and she asks for nothing in return but for people to have fun.
Rosamund Clifford is the person you should vote for. She is a sweet, kind, and interesting lady. She is a friend to Sleuth, and a friend to sleuths. She is exactly the person you should be giving your vote to, and I hope you'll vote for her.
Rosamund Clifford
Tale Spinner
Mar-29-2010 14:24
I can't write anything as clever or as beautiful like Ani has done, and I won't even try. I'll just say what you all already know.
Ani is one of those rare people who have been the heart and soul of Sleuth for years. She edits our intros and SMs, she organizes innumerable contests, she compiles books for us to find in the darkest corners of the catacombs, dedicating her love and her enormous energy to the community. Not to mention that she is, to my knowledge, the only and unique Babelfish of Sleuth.
There is no comparison between my modest contributions to the game and all those wonderful things that Ani has has done, and I hope with all my heart that she will continue to do so for many years to come. She's the uncrowned queen of Sleuth. Let us give her the crown she deserves!
Mar-30-2010 09:15
I think you should adore and vote for Rosamund, but by no means pay attention to her last post. :-p
Remember: A vote for Rosamund Clifford is a vote for fluffy bunnies, rainbows with pots of gold, and babies with toothless smiles!
Or, at the very least, it's a vote for the person who most deserves it!
Rosamund Clifford
Tale Spinner
Mar-31-2010 02:02
Ani took an unfair advantage of time difference to post when she knew I wouldn't be able to respond, and now the voting is over. See how ruthless she is in getting her way? :)
If I saw her post in time, I would have said this:
Who needs fluffy bunnies and rainbows? (I'll have to reconsider the matter of toothless smiles). Not we! Aren't we the hard-boiled gumshoes, armed with Derringer pistols and tommy guns, with fedoras pulled down over our cold steel grey eyes? Vote for Anikka or you'll leave me with no other choice than to break your kneecaps (this is only one of the many things I learned from her :D)).
However, I'm not worried about the outcome of voting, I have a complete trust in our sleuths' judgment.
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Mar-31-2010 07:36
Ani's just sneaky and good like that Rosa :D
Anais Nin
Mar-31-2010 07:53
Drum roll please!
The winner of the 2010 Sleuth March Madness is...
The wonderful, talented, modest, extremely amusing ballot writer...
Congratulations! A well deserved win.
Everyone who was a part of the contest is a wonderful sleuth and I'm glad I got a chance to meet so many new people. Old faces and new were present, and I heard a lot of people say that they were glad to see so many different sleuths and got chances to meet them as well.
Thank you to all who voted and endorsed. This couldn't of happened without EVERYONE!
Anikka, I'll PM you shortly about the prize. :)
Safety Officer
Mar-31-2010 17:07
ooh congrats to Ani! all that reverse psychology paid off :D :D