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Riza Hawkeye
Riza Hawkeye
First Nomad

Jan-9-2010 06:27

Wow, what a surprise to log on this morning to find something new on my detective page! It seems we now have official Sleuth titles. I can't wait to find out how to unlock them. This is so exciting! :D

*dashes off to unlock themes*


Gracie Lou
Gracie Lou
Assistant Librarian

Jan-11-2010 15:00

Thanks to Ben for the new additions, great fun!


Jan-11-2010 15:21

SS said: is that the same as someone making 100 random crappy posts in RP. (not that there are ANY crappy posts in RP)

Cordelia said: I used to use a forum where people would post meaningless drivel

I said: I used to read a forum where... (and explanation followed)

NOWHERE does it say that there are crap posts on the RP boards. I shouldn't feel the need to point this out, but obviously there is misunderstanding.


Jan-11-2010 15:25

And the idea for an RP title based on post count was not a bad idea, Huglover, just an idea that could be exploited badly. A really good, unexploitable RP title idea may not ever come up, but it doesn't hurt to try. On the other hand, we could also just wait and see what else Ben might have up his sleeve... that devious little Fez-wearer!

Thomas Veil
Thomas Veil

Feb-28-2010 03:51

The idea is good.Now the game seems more complete.

Carolyn Spark
Carolyn Spark

Mar-1-2010 11:53

Hey, it's been a while since I've been online. Apparently I'm an old shoe. And here I thought I had been keeping my youthful figure... ;)
I love the new addition.

Real McCoy
Real McCoy

Apr-18-2016 23:42

Is it posted somewhere what you need to do to unlock these titles or is it kinda hushed up?

Some of them are easy to figure out like collecting an x amount of books or catch a certain number villains. Others are a bit more obscure.

Safety Officer

Apr-20-2016 20:24

I think looking at the titles page kind of gives away what most of the titles are. In general there are titles for writing stuff, cases, VH's, Nemesis? (someone can correct me on that if they like) collecting and delivering stuff, the racetrack etc. There are also some titles that you can only get from events. I've given out a couple recently for the holiday season event. eg Santa's Little Helper

Fatima Blusch
Fatima Blusch
Assistant Postman

Apr-20-2016 22:30

Ah! Elf-2nd Class must have been a holiday title, then?

I was really curious about that one.

Fatima Blusch
Fatima Blusch
Assistant Postman

Apr-20-2016 22:32

What about Safety Officer? Is that an honorary title for mods?

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Apr-20-2016 23:36

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