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Nora Keno
Nora Keno

Dec-8-2004 08:07

I have solved two cases in a row where the evidence did not point to the correct suspect. The main evidence I had that didn't match was I had two possible suspects. In the past, when I'd check with the shoemaker RE footprints, he was able to confirm my suspicion. In both of these cases, I was told the footprint did NOT belong to the suspect. Just wondering ... does this happen a lot?


the The
the The

Dec-9-2004 15:08

Good questions and statements. I have taken a different approach where I have been going to the beginning characters given in the game and going straight to the alibi. If one does not have an alibi right away, I check the physical evidence.
As far as the bloody footprint is concerned, sometimes it might belong to the victim himself. If you are playing with a tough character, you might want to invest in the stress detection skill which helps you in your interviewing. It also lets you know when you are about to get to your last interview question.

the The
the The

Dec-9-2004 15:09

Make sure and scratch off suspects that have a proven alibi.
They cannot be the murderer.

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Dec-9-2004 21:20

All pieces of physical evidence belong to one of the suspects, but only one piece can be matched to the guilty person.

All other physical evidence will be matched to separate individuals. No physical evidence is matched to the same person as other physical evidence, in my experience.

Be very careful that you are sure you have a false or no alibi when you accuse, in addition to the physical evidence, NOT just a lack of alibi because the suspect wouldn't tell you what it was.

Also, TWO pieces of witness evidence are enough if you are unsure about alibi.

the The, I would be careful about asking alibi questions first. If someone clams up after that first question, you may not be able to build your complete suspect list. I recommend always asking about others with motives until you are sure your suspect list is complete.


Dec-10-2004 20:14

I don't always ask about people with motives. You can start to see how many suspects for a certain level. If I already have a certain #, I don't bother asking. That way, they are less likely to clam up. of course make sure you're not doing too hard a level either until you have the skills and/or accessories. I like to always check my alibis first. I can eliminate many of my suspects that way. I also have the research skill. That helps to eliminate 1 suspect in almost every case. Then I start on the physical evidence or asking if anyone suspects someone. I would not recommend relying on the hints that the townies give. "John Smith thinks he knows who the killer is." I don't find that they are always reliable.

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