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A riddle
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John Hale
John Hale
Yarn Weaver

Dec-8-2004 01:45

Hello all.
I'm fairly new to Sleuth and I thought I might share a little hobby of mine with you all. Here's something for that sad moment when the mysteries of the day are all done.

Thousands lay up gold within this house,
but no man made it.
Spears past counting guard this house,
but no man wards it.
What is it?



Aug-19-2006 17:56


Temperance Brennan24
Temperance Brennan24

Aug-19-2006 19:24

Yupperz :)

Temperance Brennan24
Temperance Brennan24

Aug-23-2006 09:35

Who has another riddle?

Agent Andrew
Agent Andrew

Sep-3-2006 02:18

A large group of people are in a fairly crowded room. All is going peacfully well. A rather tall king watches thoughfully from the far end of the room.

Suddenly, a priest from an enemy country strolls into the room and, before anyone can do anything to stop it, he kills two of the kings right hand men and and is just about to go for annother when a knight comes from behind and knocks the mad priest out.

Just then, somebody shouts that "The King is Dead!" And, low and behold, the queen from the enemy country took the commotion with her own priest to club the king over the head, making him fall down lymp to the tiled floor.

The shocked silence is broken when the people start clapping happily. Everybody then continues with the party as if nothing happened. What did?

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

Sep-3-2006 07:41


Violet Harden
Violet Harden

Sep-3-2006 16:06

Thats what I would guess...

Violet Harden
Violet Harden

Sep-3-2006 16:12

Okay, Ive got one...

What can be heard and caught but never seen?

ha! I dare you to solve it!! ^_^

Agent Andrew
Agent Andrew

Sep-3-2006 16:25

Yep. Both of you are right. Checkmate Persian for "the King is ambushed," helpless, defeated, or dead. Bishop = Priest
Sevant = Pawns

Oh, and the answer to yours is either a cough or a remark.

Violet Harden
Violet Harden

Sep-3-2006 18:32

yup yup, its a remark!

Violet Harden
Violet Harden

Sep-3-2006 18:41

I am just a lowly thing, object of much derision,
I am odd because I multiply by division.

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