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Behind Closed Curtains
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Clift Garrett
Clift Garrett

Oct-1-2009 05:01

It was the curtain call and Clift Garrett had to put on a smile.

It was not genuine…

It was not even convincing...

It was rather a smile of disbelief…


Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Oct-8-2009 14:37

Clift has never seen Makensie so vicious. A mother and her young, I guess you dont mess with, he was thinking to himself.

"You've never given me a chance, Makensie", Clift said.

YOU LIAR!", she said, a bit too loudly, as other customers looked toward them. More quietly, she said, "You are wrong. You have had plenty of opportunities to spend time with your son, but other things, or WOMEN, were more important. That is why I paid a visit to your current girlfriend, or whatever she is, to help SAVE her from YOU. I loved you very much, Clift Garrett, at one time, and I still have a thing for you, but you know what? I have a little boy involved now, that I would KILL over....and I will not let ANYONE sway me in my decisions when it comes to him, not even YOU"

The waiter finally returned with their food, as she pushed her plate away.

"I've lost my appetite", Makensie said, taking a drink of her champagne.

She put the glass aside, and said, "This tastes nasty. I'm a wine drinker, anyway"

The waiter nods, and said, "Do you care for a glass of wine then, Ma'm?"

"No thank you. I'm fine", she said, managing a smile.

Clift said, more softly, "Mak, you have to eat. Come on. I don't want to ruin our meal, or our evening"

"This wasn't a date, Clift. You know, I was almost looking forward to see you tonight. Until you opened your mouth, and showed how foolish you really are. We've always had a good relationship with each other Clift...and I want to keep that, but, if you choose to TRY to take my son for me, for just ANY length of time....then God be with you. That's all I have to say", Makensie said, as she stood up, tossing her napkin on the table, as she walked off.

Clift sighed, not believing how this evening turned out, and totally shocked at how TOUGH Makensie was. He knew she could be a tough nut, but, he never knew how much she could be one, until tonight. Ruthless. Makensie Brewer could be ruthless if she wanted to be. .


Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Oct-8-2009 14:47

Clift has never seen Makensie so vicious. A mother and her young, I guess you dont mess with, he was thinking to himself.

"You've never given me a chance, Makensie", Clift said.

YOU LIAR!", she said, a bit too loudly, as other customers looked toward them. More quietly, she said, "You are wrong. You have had plenty of opportunities to spend time with your son, but other things, or WOMEN, were more important. That is why I paid a visit to your current girlfriend, or whatever she is, to help SAVE her from YOU. I loved you very much, Clift Garrett, at one time, and I still have a thing for you, but you know what? I have a little boy involved now, that I would KILL over....and I will not let ANYONE sway me in my decisions when it comes to him, not even YOU"

The waiter finally returned with their food, as she pushed her plate away.

"I've lost my appetite", Makensie said, taking a drink of her champagne.

She put the glass aside, and said, "This tastes nasty. I'm a wine drinker, anyway"

The waiter nods, and said, "Do you care for a glass of wine then, Ma'm?"

"No thank you. I'm fine", she said, managing a smile.

Clift said, more softly, "Mak, you have to eat. Come on. I don't want to ruin our meal, or our evening"

"This wasn't a date, Clift. You know, I was almost looking forward to see you tonight. Until you opened your mouth, and showed how foolish you really are. We've always had a good relationship with each other Clift...and I want to keep that, but, if you choose to TRY to take my son for me, for just ANY length of time....then God be with you. That's all I have to say", Makensie said, as she stood up, tossing her napkin on the table, as she walked off.

Clift sighed, not believing how this evening turned out, and totally shocked at how TOUGH Makensie was. He knew she could be a tough nut, but, he never knew how much she could be one, until tonight. Ruthless. Makensie Brewer could be ruthless if she wanted to be. .


Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Oct-8-2009 14:58

((sorry for double post))

He took care of the bill, then stepped out of Sami's. He didn't want to go see Vulkie, she was mad at him...and he didn't know why, since he's never made her any promises, and he really didn't want to see Makensie so furious, especially since she.....

"What?", he said.

"Oh no!", Clift said.

Makensie was seen walking into the Tricky Mister.

Not good, he thought.


Tricky Mister

Makensie walked in, obviously mad, and sat down at the bar.

"I want a double shot of whiskey, of your best kind, Cyrus", Makensie said, slapping the table, as she looked around.

"You got it, Mak" , he said.

She needed a few drinks, and a few shots to calm her. Makensie could not believe Clift Garrett.

Makensie loved the man, but when it came to her son...noone was going to sway her decision OR tell her what they were going to do with him. NOONE.

She looked out the window, and saw Clift walking close to the door, then walking away.

"He better not check on me at all tonight", she said to herself, as she took the double shots of whiskey, and ordered two more, along with a mixed drink, 7 and 7.

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Oct-8-2009 15:05

She rubbed her face, and thought, Not only am I mad, I'm rather confused myself. Clift has never been anything more than a gentleman. Why the sudden change? The old Clift would've seen that I'm the one who has taken the full care of him, and not try to disrupt HIS life. This is what he would be doing, if he chose to battle. He would only be hurting his son. Clift surely hasnt grown heartless has he?, she thinks.

Shrugging, she continued in thought, He cant get custody anyway. The law will see to that.

Feeling the slight effects of alcohol, she started socializing a bit with people around her, and began to relax a bit, without being out of control.

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Oct-8-2009 17:02

3 hours later - outside Tricky Mister

Makensie was having a good time with some friends who showed up at some point.

Laughing and carrying on, as she slightly staggered to her car that was waiting for her, she slurred, "OH, Grrrreat!"

Leaning against her car, with arms folded, was Clift.

"I told you all I need to say, now move it b4 you ruin my good evening I had going, AFTER I left Sami's", Makensie said, as she tried to open the door.

Clift wouldn't budge.

"Look, Mr Garrett....", Makensie started to say.

Clift said, in a tone that she has never heard him take with her, "I'm TIRED of you talking to me as though as I'm some guy you just met"

Rolling her eyes, she said, "Fine, fine fine. You said your point, now move. Please"

"I am not letting you go in this shape. You are a drunken mess, and you shouldn't be going home to your son like that", he said, sternly.

Makensie stopped abruptly with trying to get in the car, and she straightened her posture, as she glares at him, saying, "How DARE you tell ME how to act, when I've been doing JUST fine on my own with him. My SON is in BED....and if you were ANY kind of Father...."

"Yes, you always remind me what a poor Father I am. Why can't you give me a chance?' That is all Im asking", he said.

"ALL you are asking for? You are asking to keep him over the spring and summer....and that is absurd. You know full well the law won't allow that, so why do you insist...", Makensie was saying.

Clift walked closer to Makensie, and said, "I want to be apart of my son's life"

"..and you CAN, every other weekend, IN New York", Makensie said, in a final answer tone.

Makensie turned quickly, and almost lost her balance, as Clift grabbed her arm, turning her to him.

Clift started to kiss her, and she pulled back.

"Ohhh no....I'm drunk but, I'm not foolish. Anymore. You are NOT going to do this to me, Clift Garrett. You know I still love you, and regardless if you've never made promises to me.......*more*

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Oct-8-2009 17:07

"....or to anyone, as you always say, you know that deep down you love me too"

She stopped, then thought to herself, "Why did I say that?"

Out loud, to Clift, she said, "I'm sorry, alcohol talking but anyway, I'm not letting you take advantage of my drunkness so....I'm going now. Why you are here now, is beyond me. SHouldn't you be with your new girlfriend?"

"For the hundredth time, she is NOT my girlfriend. I just met the woman. Now, will you let me take you for some coffee to help sober you up a bit? Its the least I can do, since I fouled up dinner", Clift said, in the manner that souinds more like him.

"Well, ok...if you insist. Carlos will be home in an hour from his business travels so, I should be home by then", she said, more to herself, than to Clift.

Off they went, to the nearest coffee shop, Makensie looping her arm through Clift's, to steady herself better.


Oct-16-2009 12:03

Knowing that Clift was going to meet his "old flame" again,Vulkiedecided to write a small note,saying that Vulkie left the city for a few days. But Vulkie was still staying in NY. She was going to think over a few things,if she wanted to put and end to her relationship or to continue with it,the risk being another "old flame".

Makensie on the one side,Clift on the other. A tough decision for Vulkie...

"Dear Clift,

I'm leaving town for a few days. I need to get my mind settled. I've had a beautiful relationship with you and still want to meet you. But I need some time on my own. I do hope that you will agree with this. Don't try to look for me. I'll be back... Sometime...


With that,I made a "red lipstick kiss" on the note and drove towards Clift's house.

Suddenly,a car pulled up and Makensie and Clift were getting out.

"What the deuce?" I murmered and stayed in my car,lights out and engine out.

Makensie was a bit tipsy and Clift himself had his hair in an unusual way.

"That backstabbing b*tch. I'll make her pay" I murmered and searched the glove compartment for my old Colt.38 revolver.

I stepped out of the car... The next thing I knew,was that everything blacked out and I heard a scream...


Oct-16-2009 12:03

(sorry for the I-stuff. It's meant to be third person,but I'm currently writing for 2 stories... -.-)

Clift Garrett
Clift Garrett

Oct-16-2009 14:50

Clift felt the impact of bullet against Mak's left shoulder as her body shook violently against his and as she fell to the ground screaming in pain. He quickly took her in his arms and was horrified to see so much blood gushing out of the bullet wound in her shoulder and soaking her beautiful evening dress.

"Mak are you okay? Makensie can you hear me?" He started to shout out loud. "We need some help here!"

Mak opened her eyes for a few seconds. "Cody..." She said. "Clift, go get Cody, make sure he's okay..."

"Don't be silly Mak, he's just fine!" Clift suddenly looked around to see where the bullet came from and saw a woman standing in the shadows seemingly dazed and confused. The woman quickly got into her car and drove away before Clift could recognize her.

Mak had fainted by then and was still bleeding very heavily. The bullet had pierced through her shoulder and went right into the window of a ground floor apartment.

'The revolver used must be a very strong piece,' Clift thought. He could not stand by watching Mak bleed any longer. He carried and got into a cab real quick and drove to the hospital.

Once he checked Mak in and made sure she going to be well taken care of his thoughts went to Cody and to the attacker. He eventually decided to go to Cody first, knowing that Cody would be shocked when he woke up the next morning and his mommy wasn't there.

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Oct-18-2009 20:07

Makensie was still very groggy when she awoke. 'That must've been some night I had.....', she was thinking, until she focused on her surroundings.

She started to jump up but the piercing pain in her shoulder made her sit back quickly.

"Relax ,Ms Brewer", a male voice said.

Her driver, Georgio.

"What am I doing in here?", Makensie said, a bit confusd.

Georgio said, "Well between being a little tipsy, and the pain you suffered, no wonder you dont remember. You were shot in the shoulder, as you and Clift were getting out."

Makensie's thughts went to her son, "CODY!"

"Now,now, just relax. Clift went to him lastnight, and he should be her with him very soon"

Makensie put her head back on the pillow, and said, "Who would want to do this?"

Georgio said, "I'm no detective, but, doesn't take a genius to figure this out"

He handed her a note, and as he handed it to her, he was saying, "Apparently, Clift made someone very jealous. I found this on the curb, where the car was. The direction of where the shooter was at"

"Vulkie??? Why, she is supposed to be a professional! ..and why would she be so upset? A relationship??? I hardly call one romp in the bed, a relationship. They just met..and they have no history with each other. Why on EARTH would she be THIS upset? Is she some kind of maniac?"

Georgio shook is head in thought, and said, "Sounds like it"

Makensie's ruthless side started to come out, and she said, "Well, I tell you woman is going to act like that and get away with it. Clift is the Father of MY son....we have a history together, unlike HER, and she will pay for what she did to me"

As she said that, she heard, "MOMMY!!!!"

Cody came running in, jumping in her arms, causing Makensie to wince in pain.

"Hold up there, slugger. Mommy is in great pain right now", Clift said, behind him.

Clift walked up, caressed Makensie's face, and said, "Are you doing ok?"

"i'm fine, I guess",Makensie said.


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