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Hot Tip to Avoid Weird Mail from Newbies
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Old Shoe

Aug-2-2009 14:11

Don't give your detective a name that starts with "A"
there's only 7 of us logged on and I get Hey you messages from someone who has been playing like, 2 days.
if only I'd named myself Zelda!



Aug-11-2009 13:05

He looks like The Pianist!

Old Shoe

Aug-12-2009 01:03

That's weird newbie-eater... With a name like that you should get loads of sleazy ones...

Oh, and Zeo: Looking forward to your PM's...

Old Shoe

Aug-12-2009 09:11

Yeah LaSorella, he does.
Nu, Zeo??

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Aug-14-2009 23:36

Yes, it's Adrien Brody in The Pianist. WWII setting and a quiet character, much like what i envisioned for the RP i want to do. That broken nose helps to develop the tough side as well (Adrien did break it a few times as a child in RL).

Feel free to visit the RP stage. Heimlich VonVictor started a pretty good RP there. Vulkie started another one that's a lot of fun, feel free to join us to chase around the world!.

LOL, love your name Newbie-Eater! I think i should create one just like that just to keep my peace of mind :-) Shadows, why don't i just post here: "Can you be my boyfriend?" LOL

Old Shoe

Aug-19-2009 11:21

Sure, Zeo. I'll just go tell the missus we're running off to Vegas to get married then..

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Aug-19-2009 13:02

Vegas!? Is it legal there? (RPing as Joseph Zeo the male) LOL!!

Old Shoe

Aug-20-2009 14:59

Not sure if it's legal, but there's lots of stuff going on in Vegas that's not exactly legal. But I've heard it's fast though... Weddings I mean...

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Aug-21-2009 09:46

Okay... so... are InTheShadows and Joseph Zeo getting married?

...urpss.... sorry,... i think i'm getting sick... wanna puke!

I think the weird stuffs are no longer coming from the newbies....

Old Shoe

Aug-21-2009 17:48

Hey, I didn't start this... Weirdo...

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Aug-21-2009 22:32

Yes you did!

All I did was posted the newbie PM i once received (hopefully from a girl): "Can you be my boyfriend?"

and you started having ideas of running off to Vegas...

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