Hot Tip to Avoid Weird Mail from Newbies
Old Shoe
Aug-2-2009 14:11
Don't give your detective a name that starts with "A"
there's only 7 of us logged on and I get Hey you messages from someone who has been playing like, 2 days.
if only I'd named myself Zelda!
Replies |
Aug-3-2009 15:49
Please do not misunderstand, @@@ - or anyone, for that matter. I get PMs from newbies all the time, asking legitimate questions about playing the game, or asking nicely-worded questions for social purposes ('Hi, how are you today?' or 'I really like your avatar!').
What Admoor and Adam, etc. are speaking of are the PMs from someone a few (or zero) days old saying, "Yo, whutup, how old r u? R u a boy or a girl? Where do u live?" And then, of course, there are the WEIRD PMs. But we won't discuss them...
Bottom line, if you need help, or just want to chat (nicely) or make a friend, shoot me a PM and I'll gladly answer it! But if you want to know my age and gender, or what I'm doing Friday night, or what I'm wearing? This isn't the place for it, and I'm not going to respond to it.
Adam Carter
Big Winner
Aug-3-2009 16:35
^^What Ani said^^
It's things like this that annoy us:
From: ***********
To: Adam Carter
Sent: May 17, 2009 - 12:37
hi thr, do u wnt ma pswurd...... ^_^
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Aug-3-2009 16:44
If it makes all you As feel better us lower down the list also get our fair share of random crap too :D
From: *******
To: Ms Helen
Sent: Jul 21, 2009 - 17:39
will u have (I think you can probably guess) with me please
Lawrence Wargrave
Tale Spinner
Aug-3-2009 18:13
Yeah that's right Helen. I also got this one
From: ***** ***** *******
To: Lawrence Wargrave
Sent: Jul 20, 2009 - 23:00
Could you lend me a few bucks? Am short of 'em.
And agree with Adam. They are in fact annoying
Sara Buxton
Aug-3-2009 23:22
Of course, if you send messages to Newbies welcoming them to the game, you don't get very much strange stuff sent to you. I had gotten loads of strange messages until I started sending this out:
From: Sara Buxton
To: Quite a few Newbies...
Hi! How are you liking the game? If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)
And now I just seem to get legitimate questions.
Con Artist
Aug-4-2009 06:00
Very well said, Anikka.
Good thing we can just 'ignore' them.
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town
Aug-5-2009 15:20
I feel so lucky. I have had a few "hey there" notes but I haven't yet received one like Ms Helen or any of the others listed earlier.
So don't feel bad Admoor. Us lower down the list still get some of the wierd ones. :-)
Old Shoe
Aug-5-2009 17:30
I feel kind of left out. I've never recieved any weird notes. Well, a few perhaps, but only from a few very talkative old people in here, and none of them have asked me for money, password or you-know-what. But I've recieved no notes at all from the newbies. They don't even respond to my greetings... Is it my name or face that keeps them away? Or am I just too damn hard to find. I want weird messages in my inbox, damnit! Or preferably nice ones, but messages none the less...
Old Shoe
Aug-6-2009 02:46
Thats why I don't get any messages from newbies.
Aug-8-2009 20:34
Having a Japanese name must really help me in not being found so easily. Most sites don't even support kanji, so I was really surprised when it actually worked. ;D
But I'm pretty new anyway so no one wants my advice. >D