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The Case of the Copy Cat "Ripper"
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Charlie Cain
Charlie Cain

Jul-26-2009 15:28

It was another rainy foggy night in London, as I walked through the door of the Owl and Walnut. I stood in the doorway to get the chill out of my bones and eyed the patrons of my favorite pub. I could tell that the news of the latest murder victim had everyone scared. The local papers were calling him the new Ripper, Scottland Yard was lost as usual and the only trend that the killer stuck to was the murders were getting more and more gruesome. I had already started looking into the case even before Miss Brandy Marie showed up at my office last night and told me she wanted me to find the psycho who murdered her sister. Its been the longest 24 hours I have ever lived through. And I am no closer to solving the case. I head over to the bar and order my usual 3 fingers of cognac I then head over to my table which is very close to the back. I sit with my back to the wall and watch the door. You learn a few things in this business when you been doing it as long as me and I aint about to get a bullet in the back cause I got careless. I pull out my pack of Lucky Strikes( I have'em sent over from the States.) And my Zippo lighter. I light up take a huge drag and a sip of my drink and try to forget the horrible images I saw today. Then



Sep-4-2009 11:02

(Note : This is just a small part,Zeo must continue. This is about the meeting in the Owl and Walnut)

As Vulkie entered the Owl and Walnut bar,it was 7.50 pm. She saw that "Fred" the constable wasn't there yet. Bernie,a good contact of Vulkie,asked if she wanted her favorite drink. A good old "Glenfiddich 12 years old" whiskey.

"Nah,not today Bernie. I just want a small "brandy",to flow this cold away. It's like freezing here..." Vulkie said.

"Yes,well,we still have some problems after a "last" visit of a client. As you can see,there are still 2 barstools in the window frame and poor Mr. Pennyworth hasn't recovered yet from the shock" Bernie said and pointed to an old man. Afterwards,he got Vulkie a brandy,as she was waiting for Fred.

"Good evening miss" the constable said. "Bernie" as Fred nodded towards the bartender. Bernie nodded back.

"So,what will you have? A pint or a whiskey?" Fred asked. "A small orange juice please" Vulkie said,with a smile. Fred ordered and so they sat for 15 minutes,with Fred talking about Charlie and I talked about my "history" with the prince of Shangri-La and how I got my outfit.

"Wow" Fred said,"You look smashing. I noticed it this afternoon,but jeez." Fred said and he gave a small kiss on Vulkie's cheek.

Just when Fred wanted to kiss Vulkie,Joseph came walking in.

"Oi! That's my wife your about to kiss. Come here you bag of old bones!" Joseph said and dragged Vulkie outside,leaving Fred with his pint of beer.

"We need to get away here Joseph,at least 2 blocks" Vulkie said,and so they walked for 2 blocks.

"Alright,tell me what you know" Vulkie said and Joseph began to explain..

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Sep-5-2009 11:48

Joseph told Vulkie about what Charlie informed him. "First thing tomorrow morning we will go see this William Guillory, who resides with the Maries 10 miles out from the city." Zeo said, "but at this moment we must do something that the cloak of night would allow us to do..."

"You want to 'visit' the psychiatrist again?" Vulkie mused.

"Precisely." Zeo smiled.


Vulkie was the perfect partner for breaking and entering, with all the skills she picked up before she became detective. Within minutes, the two were standing in front of the office filing cabinet, reading Doctor Smithe's patients records.

"Look!" Vulkie found Andrea Marie's file and exclaimed a bit too loud to Zeo's liking.


"Don't worry, the doc is not at home upstairs." Vulkie remarked confidently. Zeo gave her a questioning frown and Vulkie continued, "I'm sure you also noticed the second floor light was out."

"Yes, but he could be sleeping and your voice might wake him up." Zeo whispered.

"If he is, the doors would have been bolted. From the expensive locks he chose, I am sure he's the type who values privacy greatly, and would have bolted the doors before he goes to bed." Vulkie explained. Zeo remembered the unbolted doors and agreed with Vulkie.

"Where the hell did he go in the middle of the night?" Zeo thought aloud.

"Maybe he's with another patient." Vulkie shrugged while examining the file with a flashlight in detail, "See here on Andrea Marie's record, the doc noted the patient's address and the days and hours he had visited her. He seem to do quite a bit of evening visits. I wonder why..."

"Because this psychiatrist specializes with nightmares and insomnia." Zeo replied while he skimmed through the rest of the patient's record. Zeo's face slowly turned intense. "This can't be right..."

"What is it?"

"Cynthia Allen, Sonia Corning, Samantha Sanders, Laura Simmons..." Zeo named the patients one after another, "They are all new Ripper victims!!"

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Sep-5-2009 11:54

"Smithe must be the killer then!" Vulkie concluded quickly.

"Not so fast. There are too many questions still." Zeo said, badly wanting a cigarette at the moment. "What was the Marie doing on dock street, and the 'visits'? We haven't yet establish alibis and motives either... This could merely be a coincident."

"You really think so?" Vulkie asked dubiously.

Zeo shrugged. "Let's put everything back. Maybe the driver can answer some of the questions tomorrow." Zeo really wish Cain could have been with them for the investigations. He might be able to shed some light.

Charlie Cain
Charlie Cain

Sep-6-2009 02:09

Mean while back at the jail. Charlie Cain is making arrangements to check out early.

After making it look like he was asleep in bed Charlie took the pick he'd fashioned out of matress spring and picked the lock. Sneaking down the walkway " Your a idiot, if you survive you'll be lucky." Charlie told himself.

When Charlie reached the door at the end of the hallway he tossed a metal water cup down the hall and hid behind the laundry bin. The guard came running in completely forgetting the door yelling

"HEY! what is goin on in here you bums?" the guard yelled. Charlie snuck right out. He made his way to the exit barrowed a coat from a coat rack. Then nonchalantly walked out onto the street.

Charlie went to a contact of his in town hoping she'd help. He walked into the fortune tellers house un noticed like always.

"Charlie I knew you'd be here." said the Fortune Teller.

" Look I need serious help, will you please help me?" Charlie pleaded.

" I cant do much but you know I can always do alittle what do you need?" She asked.

" Can you please just deliver a note to my two friends at the hotel a Mr. J. Zeo and Miss Vulkie?" Charlie asked while handing her the letter.

" Charlie I'll make sure they get it." She replied accepting the letter.

" Thank you" Charlie said while slipping out the back going to the meeting place on the note.

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Sep-6-2009 06:31

Ah that annoying unceasing ring of the telephone!!

"Hello?" Zeo picked up the receiver and answered groggily.

"Joseph, it's Leopold from the Yards." The voice replied anxiously.

With the curtain drawn the room was pitch dark. For a second Zeo couldn't remember which city he was in. "What? What time is it?"

"Sorry to wake you at 4am in the morning, Joseph. Bad news. Charlie Cain broke out of prison few hours ago, and immediately he killed again."

"What?" Joseph sat right up on his bed. His head immediately flush cleared, but he couldn't believe his ears. "Another victim? I'm sure it's just a coincident, Leopold. Cain can't be the new Ripper!"

"Do you have any proof?" Leopold challenged. "Cain got out of prison, and immediately a girl died." Zeo was silent. "I just want to let you know, Joseph, the holding cell had the record of a Ms.Vulkie and yourself visiting Cain yesterday, so the both of you will be tightly monitored. I just don't want to see you caught with the psychotic killer."

"Charlie is not the killer!"

"Joseph, I trust your judgement, but unless Cain come up with some proof, he will be hunted down and this time it's not just a simple holding cell that awaits him." Leopold warned, "You know how capable the Yard is at finding people."

"Yes, but obviously solving cases is an entirely different matter." Joseph bickered, and immediately regretted saying it. He apologized to Leopold and asked him about the latest victim. It was another young girl by the name of Ursula Beatrice Cole, found dead behind the museum parking lot, with part of her lung removed.

Ursula Cole. Zeo may have seen her name from Smithe's file, but he wasn't sure. Zeo thanked Leopold for the heads up, and immediately walked to the next room down the hall, still in his pajamas. (cont'd)

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Sep-6-2009 06:48

"Vulkie," Zeo knocked. Moments later Vulkie opened the door. She was wearing a nice yellow night gown and had rollers in her hair.

"This better be important!" Vulkie yarned. Zeo then noticed an envelop on the floor behind the door. Vulkie picked it up and opened it. "It's a note from Charlie. He got out, and will meet us at the little 24 hour bookshop behind the library."

Zeo told Vulkie about the new victim and how incriminating this all appeared for Charlie. Vulkie's heart wrenched at the thought, and she noted, "Smithe wasn't home last night, it must be him! He must be the new Ripper!"

"I will go to his office now and check that out. If he really is the new Ripper I am sure i will find something. In the mean time, Vulkie, you go and meet with Charlie, but make sure you are not being followed." Zeo looked out the window and noticed two officers patrolling by the main entrance of the hotel. "Leave by the back door after I go. I will diverge the attention of the cops. You can drive him to the Maries and question the driver. It's safer for Charlie to be away from the city."

With that, Zeo return to his room to get changed. He picked out the brightest blazer he could find amongst his mainly dark attires, to make sure the police would see him. Charlie's life depend on it.


Sep-6-2009 16:49

"Great", Vulkie thought. "Cain escaped. But he's got himself in a mess...". Anyway,Vulkie pulled some "dark" clothes on and waited for Joseph to take the main entrance. As soon as Joseph walked out,the two constables followed Joseph where he was going.

As Vulkie took the back entrance 2 minutes later,she looked back,to make sure she wasn't followed. And so,she went to the little 24 hour bookshop behind the library.

As she walked behind the library,she saw a litted shop. There is was. As Vulkie entered the bookshop,she immediately spotted Cain.

"Cain!" Vulkie almost yelled and ran up to him and hugged him. "I'm so glad you are out of there. You're in trouble. I suggest you hide. There's been another murder. A certain miss Cole. Ursula Beatrice Cole." Vulkie said.

"My god... And now they think I did it?!" Cain whispered,looking pretty nervous.

"Quick,come with me. We'll get you to the barber,get you a new shave and to the tailor,getting you a new suit!" Vulkie said.

And the clock struck 5 o'clock and it took 30 minutes to walk towards the barber.

"Edmund,wake up!" Vulkie shouted and so,Edmund stuck his head out of the window. "It's only 5.30 am you crazy lady!" the barber shouted back.

"It's urgent. I'll pay you well!" Vulkie said and she took some 100 dollar bills out.

Edmund immediately opened the door,welcomed us and I "explained" what needed to happen.

"This person needs a new hair colour and a shave. He also needs to look handsome. It's his wedding,you know. He's getting wed in 3 hours!" Vulkie lied,but Edmund didn't care less,he got his money.

Vulkie handed a $1000 dollar to the barber and he immediately began.

And so,Charlie's hair was now brown and he looked shaved. "Off to the tailor for your suit Leonard!" Vulkie said,lying about Charlie's new name...


Sep-6-2009 17:04

(srry,made a small mistake. Forget the word new between charlie and name)

The clock struck 6 o'clock and the tailor opened his doors already. "Strange" Vulkie mumbled,but she eventually went in. "Hello Penelope. This gentleman needs a new suit. Preferably,something typical English. Also,he needs a bowler hat." Vulkie said.

Penelope nodded and began immediately. As the clock struck 7 o'clock,Charlie was all nice and tight in a new suit. He looked like a "modern" Doctor Watson.

"Now we only need Sherlock Holmes" Vulkie thought and she laughed in her mind.

"Thanks Penelope" Vulkie said and she handed $2000 to make sure the costs were covered. "Keep the change" Charlie added and so,the two left.

"Next stop,the Maries!" Vulkie said and she hauled a carriage. "To the Maries!" Vulkie ordered the driver and so,the 15 minutes drive began to take place.

Charlie murmered a "thanks" out,and began to talk about how bad the jail food was and how he got beaten up. As the 15 minutes passed,the carriage stopped and Charlie and Vulkie got out.

"Now I need to find the driver." Vulkie said. "You haul another carriage 5 minutes after I left,towards the driver. You get out of town. At least 20 miles away from The Maries. No discussion further!" Vulkie said and Charlie nodded.

Charlie knew he was in danger. His disguise couldn't work,but for now,we got away.

Vulkie went around the corner and spied on Charlie,until he left,to make sure he left.

Afterwards,Vulkie walked towards a nice house,which holded the driver. She buzzed on the doorbell and she heard a man,walking towards the door...

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Sep-6-2009 18:52

Zeo arrived at Smithe's office and home twenty minutes after he left the hotel, making sure that both constables followed him. He just hoped that no police was hiding by the backdoor of the hotel. The sun haven't yet rise but Zeo couldn't care less. He rung the bell violently and hoped that Smithe wasn't home. That would put him right into the suspect's list along with the fact that he knew all the victims.

Moments later, to Zeo' disappointment, he heard the door being unbolted. The door opened to reveal a dishevelled Doctor Smithe. "What's the meaning of this? Detective! It's 5 o'clock in the morning...."

Zeo pushed Simthe aside and dashed upstairs. He was sure he'd find some evidence in his room. Blood, knife, body parts, anything to proof that Cain was innocent. Smithe was running behind him, protesting loudly. Zeo pushed the bedroom door open and ---

"AAAAAAh!" A woman shrieked as she hurriedly covered herself.

Zeo flushed and turned around immediately "I'm sorry 'mam.." He said, glad that it was still dark and he didn't see much; well, what he saw was enough... Smithe was upon them right away.

"Donna just get dressed." Smithe called sweetly into the bedroom, then he turned salvage at Zeo, "Detective, you are going down for this, I'm calling the police...."

"Donna?" Zeo recalled, "Is that Donna Fitzgerald?"

"Yes and so what?" The woman slashed back while Zeo could hear the sound of her dressing herself. Zeo could remember seeing that name in the patients file because it reminded him of his favourite singer. Zeo smiled.

"Doctor Smithe, I believe you are bedding you patients." Zeo stated. Smithe's face immediately flushed white. "I can just see your reputation going down the drain for this..."

"Hello, is everything alright up there, doctor?" The two constables called up from the main entrance.

"Yes, everything is fine." Smithe replied nervously, "Just a friend visiting."

Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Sep-6-2009 19:20

"So I'm now a friend?" Zeo smiled. Smithe ignored Zeo's remarked and went down to rid of the two officers. He then turn to Zeo as if he was walking on tight rope.

"My method is working and those ladies no longer have nightmares after my 'therapy'. So you better stay out of this or I'll will make your life a living hell." The doctor warned vainly. Zeo only smile and shrugged.

"Since I am now a 'friend', I expect more co-operation from you now, doctor." Zeo said, "Where were you last night?"

"I thought that was obvious." Smithe replied, looking upstairs. "You can ask Donna if you want. We started off in her house but she needed 'a change of scenery', so I took her home."

"And you seem to know all the victims in the new Ripper murders."

"That was exactly why I didn't want to talk to you in the first place." The doctor walked up to Zeo, raking his hair with his fingers. "I don't know why that is happening, and I know I'd be dead if people found out. Honestly, I have nothing to do with those horrible killings!"

The doctor seemed sincere enough, but Zeo was never good at reading people, he only believed in the evidence. That too, was telling him that Smithe may not be the new Ripper he was looking for. "So, you mentioned about these 'visits'. What are those?"

Smithe sighed. "It's a secret society that i recommended my patients to attend to help balance their psyche. I'm part of that group too, and I'm sworn to its secrecy. Sorry, that is more than what I can tell you already. Miss Marie's driver know of its location. Please, leave me alone now." The doctor opened the door to indicate our meeting was over. I had found out more then what I bargained for, so I bid the doctor farewell and left.

The two constable was trailing me again soon after, probably believing that I didn't see them. Since Vulkie was onto the driver, the best that i could do was to take the attention off her and Cain. The sun was raising. I decided to go around town to do some shopping.

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