Earning Contacts
Clint Forthwright
Old Shoe
Jun-16-2009 15:56
I am in Delhi, seeking the Postal Clerk as my PE. It's because for the other cities, I have a different one for for each type of evidence and I want to feel like I'm in a different place when I travel.
Is there any way I can even the odds of getting a favor from her, or decreasing the likelihood of her just giving me a gift? I'm wondering if I should hire body guards for whatever is left of the waiter's friends.
Replies |
Safety Officer
Jun-16-2009 17:22
lol I can remember when a Sleuth suggested that all contacts were linked somehow and by asking for a favour case from X you were bound to get sent to do a favour case for Y ... hey I never understood it either :D
anyway, no, not really, it's fairly random who you get favours for, and you just have to turn down the ones you don't want and do the wants you want. it can be a slowwww process, but them's the breaks. At least you only have to get your contacts once.
Clint Forthwright
Old Shoe
Jun-17-2009 00:04
I think that's a good idea. Better yet, how about letting us store favors in case files?
Pinball Amateur
Jun-17-2009 00:17
Sorry, Clint, that's been tried before (long, long before either of us were around here). Apparently, they ran into problems with people doing said stored favors during Treasure Hunts and gaining incredible undue advantages over other teams. Needless to say, that one didn't last very long. Sorry. Keep trying, though. Devi's gotta say yes one of these centuries. ;-)
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jun-17-2009 08:29
Good luck with the Postal Clerk Clint, although you'll find that no matter which contact you have they are never there when you need them ;-)