Permanent Agents needed
Dec-1-2004 09:40
Reaper's is looking for new agents, we need the Banker and Shoemaker contacts, please post here or PM me or Delvin. Posting here is the best as it will not get lost.
AGAIN- you need to be subscribed to join an agency ;)
Replies |
Dec-16-2004 03:58
we still recruiting. hopefully, u have evidence contacts like barber, banker, shoe maker or tailor. You need to subsribed to join an agency.
Dec-16-2004 07:10
I'm still new to the game but I would like to join a agency.i have the shoe maker as a contact.
Dec-16-2004 07:10
I'm still new to the game but I would like to join a agency.i have the shoe maker as a contact.
Majandra Belial
Dec-17-2004 19:38
Majandra Belial
Dec-18-2004 09:56
Somebody was looking for Reaper's earlier, I think, so -
Majandra Belial
Dec-18-2004 16:22
This is the agency recruitment board.
Majandra Belial
Dec-18-2004 17:28
Can we please keep legitimate threads front and center?
Majandra Belial
Dec-18-2004 18:17
I'll keep bumping threads as long as I have to.
Dec-20-2004 12:18
still have plenty of space
Dec-21-2004 01:47
i would very much so like to oin the agency i have experience playing under another detective just started this detective. tailor for contact working on 2nd contact want to try for the shoemaker plz let me know would like to join thanks raven