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Heigh/High Leigh Irregulars
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Demon of the Due Date

Apr-28-2009 09:54

OK, just what is going on here? First we to see view of a telegram that they sent to Ben and then an unsubbed detective shows up with a custom avatar. Whats more, Lucy has more to say, suspect descriptions are different, new twists....

Why am I getting excited that secret#3 is on the horizon, if I start looking for it now, maybe it wont take so long to find it! ;-)


Con Artist

Apr-28-2009 22:53

Lol, Anikka. Imagine you and Ctown on a raft in the ocean - with him wearing fishnets and stilletos. ;)

Heigh Leigh Irregulars
Heigh Leigh Irregulars

Apr-28-2009 23:18

Hello everybody,

Wow! I really didn't expect to get a thread all of my own. Thank you. Thank you also for all the warm welcoming messages I have received.

Heigh Leigh Irregulars

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Apr-29-2009 05:52

Fishnets and stilettos versus ctown's underwear...hmmm, I wonder which is worse (shudders). I'm just glad I don't have to see it ;))

What's with this Heigh Leigh Irregulars? Could all these recent changes in Sleuthville mean something new and exciting is about to happen :))))

Story Teller

Apr-29-2009 06:15

I'm not a big copnspiracy theorist *COUGH* but if was a bettin rodent, I'd say the missing E in High Street in the telegram, OR the extra E in Heigh in the Detective Page smells suspiciously like a clue.

"Remember the speckled Geese fly south at Winter time!"

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Apr-29-2009 07:28

You got all that from an 'E' Squirrel? Good lord.

I just love how it seems the only person who Heigh Leigh has been rude to is Ctown :D

Demon of the Due Date

Apr-29-2009 08:44

Would that be speckled geese or speckled gese?

Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Big Winner

Apr-29-2009 08:59

I went along with Aknas' charm offensive (being the Big, Smooth, Debonair fellow I was, I offered a drink from my Portable Bar and flashed my Gold Rolex) and the gossip began flowing. I had no idea Ben was so clogged up, or why he always seems to wear that fez...

Also, I heard the "ointment" he has isn't waterproof, so I wouldn't share a swimming pool with him ;)


Apr-29-2009 09:16

But speckled geese are waterproof - in a way - so I think we can safely say that Ben's new ointment is NOT made of speckled geese.

Battered Shoe

Apr-29-2009 17:31

African or European geese? You have to know these things. It may be important.

Old Shoe

May-6-2009 02:48

In case anyone out there missed it:

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