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New Changes
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Con Artist

Apr-27-2009 10:24

I don't usually start a thread. But I am just excited!!! There seem to be new changes in the game. Anyone notice them? New reward items, perhaps? :)


Joseph Zeo
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner

Apr-28-2009 07:18

I never bother to find Big Lucy after hearing what everyone said (not worth the time and money), now you make me wanna hunt him down!

Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

Apr-28-2009 07:51

Awwww. Trust Big Lucy to have all the goss. I can never Larry the Toe. Only ever met him once so far!

Old Shoe

Apr-28-2009 17:52

I like the new suspect descriptions... but all the info is jammed together and it is hard to tell with a look if they are close of clamming. -.-

I am exicted to try for the new items and twists! :D

Battered Shoe

Apr-28-2009 17:58

This is all very exciting. Unfortunately, I am not getting any new twists :( Guess I'll keep on trying :-)

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