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What's a Tough Guy Like Me to Wear?
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Lt. Theo Kojak
Lt. Theo Kojak

Apr-21-2009 03:47

What's the deal?

The vast majority of my favor cases give me charming or smart gear. The fence at Lucy's Cabaret has charming and smart gear and the factions that I was able to access in New York had charming and smart gear. I'm finally in with the Green Hand in London and they have some Tough Gear, but all in all it seems it's pretty hard for a tough guy to find decent duds around here.

Anyone have any advice?


Lt. Theo Kojak
Lt. Theo Kojak

Apr-22-2009 01:22

I'm going to slug it out for a while as Lolita suggested and see if things make a turn in my favors for the tough gear, but if it doesn't I'll post back here about buying some equipment.

You all are sure a helpful lot. :)


Apr-22-2009 09:09

I give you credit Theo. There are a bunch of agencies that I am sure would be willing to help, but you wanting to get things on your own will only add to your enjoyment of the game. God luck to you and keep asking questions! We will only give so much away! ;-)

Vampiric Smile
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer

Apr-22-2009 12:50

Another thing that you should keep in mind is the fact that Agencies provide extra status bonus that can help a lot at the beginning. So even if you stay alone for the time being it may be a good idea for you (if you can afford it!) to rent an agency

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