Who's Next?
Adam Carter
Big Winner
Mar-21-2009 19:03
Guess who will be the next to post.
Prizes if you get it right, forfeits if you are wrong.
To start us off:
Replies |
May-3-2011 22:07
Sorry. Peter's en route, but I suspect Mr. Banks to be following close by . . .
Cyril Banks
May-3-2011 22:24
Here I am! I do try to be punctual.
Next will be Ordo I suspect
Ordo Ab Chao
May-4-2011 10:13
Yup...just shaved,one has to be prepared for summer time...REMARK!Legs' hair will be donated to the community for scientific purposes...
Cyril I used your razors...I owe you one...
Ordo Ab Chao
May-4-2011 10:14
...Cyril? is that you?
Akira Sensei
May-5-2011 17:23
Sorry, Ordo, not quite yet....
Now it's Cyril :)
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe
May-5-2011 20:48
Slightly out of breath,
Hey, am I late? Where's Cyril? Must be coming along right behind me.
Ordo Ab Chao
May-6-2011 13:23
Oh Peter...I got the DNA results...you are the father...
May-6-2011 16:28
Cyril's unavailable at the moment, but if you leave a message with his secretary...
I suspect a Ms. Falco sooner rather than later.
Cyril Banks
May-6-2011 21:56
Ahh, I missed everyones calls just to come and mess up this one.
Perhaps now Ordo will show up?
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
May-7-2011 00:35
Sorry, it was later rather than sooner :)
Ordo's probably just behind me.