Who's Next?
Adam Carter
Big Winner
Mar-21-2009 19:03
Guess who will be the next to post.
Prizes if you get it right, forfeits if you are wrong.
To start us off:
Replies |
M. Lacrimosa
Jan-2-2011 13:46
No..just me. How about Peter?
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe
Jan-2-2011 19:12
Right toe, Mark. Amazing what a shower will do!! **whispering** Have you had one lately? The ladies are coming, joyful is first I think.
M. Lacrimosa
Jan-3-2011 21:45
No..me again. And yes I've had one lately...about an hour ago now.
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff
Jan-4-2011 04:41
No... Me (very unexpectedly).
Jan-4-2011 21:33
'Tis I :)
Security needs to waltz in to take care of this unexpected visitor!
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Jan-5-2011 20:31
This unexpected visitor is going to make a quick exit before that happens!
Is that Peter?
M. Lacrimosa
Jan-5-2011 21:34
Could be. But its not. Just me
How about now. Peter?
Molly Maltese
Old Shoe
Jan-6-2011 15:05
HOW DARE you mistake me for Peter. I have a far better taste in dresses!
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe
Jan-6-2011 21:27
Sorry Molly, 'tis I. btw, not only is your taste in dresses better, you look much better wearing them, too! ;)
Perhaps Mark will be back to offer his opinion? If not him, maybe the new guy.
M. Lacrimosa
Jan-9-2011 08:15
Okay everyone, hold your applause, its just me. How about Joyful?