Weekly Pub Quiz
Mar-15-2009 18:00
In an effort to liven up the boards again, some of us have decided to resuscitate the Daily pub quiz but we will be doing
it on a weekly basis. This is a tribute to the original founder, jstkdn. We have decided to take turns coming
up with the questions. The team consists of myself, Ms. Helen, nicnic and detectivehappy.
1. Each week we will post 10 questions.
2. Each Quiz runs exactly one week.
3. The first person that has all 10 questions right, wins. Or if no one has all questions right, the best one wins.
4. You can only post answers ONCE for the same quiz.
5. No cash involved. Just glory. :)
Replies |
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Mar-30-2013 04:14
OK, here goes nothin'. No Googling, and I'm too lazy to go downstairs and get the books out. :)
1. Public house.
2. 4
3. Providing drinks to thirsty passers-by.
4. Arabic
5. I have no idea. Might depend what country you're in.
6. Again, might depend on the country. Inns in England used to provide accommodation and a change of horses as well as food and drink. I think public houses probably didn't.
7. In the brain of a thirsty and eccentrically creative person somewhere in the world... Where? Hmm. It partly depends on what you count as 'beer' - there's a general definition which allows it to be made out of whatever the local grain product happens to be, which broadens the field a bit - and isn't American Bud notoriously made more out of rice than anything else, or did I dream that? - but if I had to guess I'd go for somewhere which had quite a bit of spare grain early on in history and say Egypt.
8. The Egyptians?
9. One owned by people who think that painting everything black - bar, walls, ceiling etc. - will look cool and attract students. :)
10. No. Different Muslim countries have different rules. I've had a drink in bars in Turkey, Egypt, Dubai and possibly Jordan though that's longer ago and my memory's failing. Maybe it was the beer.
11. Is this 'pubs' as in specifically public houses, or general bars/pubs? Public houses in England have been around since medieval times. Bars of various kinds have been around in different cultures since whenever that culture invented alcohol, I'd guess.
12. Lack of safe water.
13. No idea. Is this an American act?
14. When the people running the pub close the doors at the time when the establishment's supposed to close for the night, but keep serving drinks to the customers left inside. Originally the idea was that once the doors are closed it's no longer open to the public and all you're doing is pouring 'free' drinks for your 'friends'. :)
Oops, I'm being verbose...
Daenerys Targaryen
Mar-30-2013 04:16
Sorry Breit, I haven't noticed it until now. Not that I know much on the subject, but sounds fun :).
1. Public house
2. Five (New York, London, Delhi, Shanghai, Sleuthetania)
3. Getting drunk? :D Probably serves as a place where people can meet friends and neighbours.
4. Arabic language
5. I thought there was no difference, except that pub sounds very English :)
6. Inns used to offer lodging (I don't know if it's still the case, or if there are still inns like those in Dickens's novels) and pubs don't.
7. Acient peoples in Egypt and Mesopotamia produced and drank beer, so probably they were the ones who invented it.
8. Same answer as above.
9. /
10. I don't know if there are Muslim countries where bars are officially allowed, but in some countries there are establishments where alcohol is served.
11. Middle ages?
12. Drinking water was dangerous because it was full of microorganisms which caused different diseases like cholera, typhoid etc.
13. /
14. /
15. /
1. / (I visited a 17th century pub in Oxford, said to date from 13th or 14th century, but I'm sure there are older ones)
2. /
3. New York: Tricky Mister Bar
London: Owl and Walnut
Delhi: Taj Masion Bar
Shanghai: The Ritz Bar
Sleuthetania: The Albatross Lounge
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Mar-30-2013 04:19
15. Again, the answer for this one's probably going to be a bit different in different countries. I don't think there's an official definition of 'pub grub' in the UK. Pubs/inns have been serving food for centuries. At some point the 'traditional pub menu' idea kind of coalesced into frequently served dishes, like bangers & mash, steak & kidney pie, fish & chips etc., but I wouldn't be able to put a date on it. In Australia the traditional pub food seems always to include various kinds of schnitzel.
I'm going to give up on the extra credit questions: no idea about the first two (and again I don't know if you mean in the US or everywhere) and I don't have the spare cases for the travelling I'd need for the last one!
Thanks for the quiz, guys! :)
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
May-1-2013 08:32
It's a great thread guys, and a shame to see it pushed to page 2 :) So, bumps up :P It would be great to have this held again, because it's a great way to get the community together (not that I'd know even a single answer, but...) and like someone once said, there are some seriously smart people here :)
Pinball Amateur
Jul-4-2016 18:08
Let's try a new Quiz. This is the first in a series of four celebrating the upcoming Sleuth Olympics. This quiz will run until Thursday, July 7, 2016. We'll announce the answers on Friday.
Good luck, Everyone!! ;-D
(And yes, I will get around to providing the answers for the quiz on Pubs that's above. Just give me a bit. ;-)
Pinball Amateur
Jul-4-2016 18:14
Pub Quiz
General Olympic Knowledge
1. When and where were the Olympics originally founded (i.e.-- the very FIRST games)?
2. Name 3 sports played during the Ancient Olympics.
3. Name 3 sports played when the Modern Olympics were first revived (the 1896 ones).
4. When were women first invited to compete in the games?
5. How many sports will the athletes compete in during the 2016 Rio Olympics?
6. What country has won the most medals at the Olympics, Summer and Winter combined?
7. What person has won the most medals (any type) at a SINGLE Olympics?
8. In what sports do men and women compete as equals historically in the Summer Games (i.e. â€" at the same time in a heat or competition)?
E.C. â€" What year did one of those sports change their format to men's and women's divisions? (1 pt.)
9. What 2 winter sports were included in the Summer Games (before the Winter Olympics were created)?
E.C. â€" When were the Winter Games created? (1 pt.)
10. When was the last time a sprinter in his thirties ran for the U.S at the Olympics prior to 2016?
E.C. â€" What is the name and event of the 34-year-old running for the U.S. in these games? (1 pt.)
13. E.C. â€" What sports were discontinued after the 2012 London Games? (3 pts.)
14. E.C. â€" What 2 discontinued sports are returning to the 2016 Rio Games? (1 pt.)
15. E.C. -- How many nations have NEVER won an Olympic medal in either the Summer or Winter games?
luc pfeiffer
Jul-5-2016 02:43
I oops'ed and posted this same quiz as a SleuthTalk thread. so feel free to answer on either. Good Luck to all and Go SWISS! Have fun all! L
Pinball Amateur
Jul-7-2016 01:02
I'm hoping this means you all are busily boning up on your Olympics trivia. You only have til end of Thursday, SST, to get your answers in. ;-)
Clock's ticking....
Pinball Amateur
Jul-11-2016 00:13
Man, we gave you all TWO extra days and i only got one additional entry ... That's just sad. Oh well. L
Pinball Amateur
Jul-15-2016 01:19
Okay, here's the answers for the Olympics Quiz. ;-)
General Olympic Knowledge
1. When and where were the Olympics originally founded (i.e.-- the FIRST set)?
Most authorities on the subject say the original Olympics were staged in 776 B.C. in the city of Olympia, Greece.
2. Name 3 sports played during the Ancient Olympics.
The first Olympics in 776 B.C. featured only one event, a foot race that ran the length of the stadium, estimated to measure between 180 and 240 meters (590 and 790 feet). Subsequent games added other foot races, including a two-length (approximately 400 meters or 1300 feet) foot race and a race that ran 18 to 24 lengths of the stadium (somewhere around three miles). The final foot race added to the Ancient Olympics was considerably shorter, either 400 or 800 yards, but required the participants to run the race in full or partial armour with a shield and either helmet or shin-guards, altogether weighing between 50 and 60 pounds (in the area of 25 kg.).
Later games added boxing and wrestling events, as well as horse and chariot races. The last event added was a form of the pentathlon, that was comprised of a stadium-long foot race, wrestling, the javelin throw, the long jump and the discus throw.
3. Name 3 sports played when the Modern Olympics were first revived.
The Olympics were revived officially in 1896 in Athens, Greece. Sports played included swimming, road and track bicycling (deemed to be a single event), 'artistic' gymnastics, greco/roman wrestling, 'athletics' (i.e. track and field events), fencing, shooting (i.e. riflery), tennis and weight lifting.
4. When were women first invited to compete in the games?
Women first competed in the 1900 Paris Olympics in sailing, croquet, golf, and tennis.
5. How many sports will the athletes compete in during the 2016 Rio Olympics?
28 sports, in a total of 41 events.
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