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The last person to post wins
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Demon of the Due Date

Mar-15-2009 14:00

The object of this game is to be the last person to post in this thread! So right now I am the winner and the rest of you are losers! :-P


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

May-17-2013 19:03

Speaking of "You Two" You both are always posting here, rapidly and in a suspiciously timely manner. I'm beginning to wonder if you have a robot post going on.

I ask you to do a "captcha" to prove you are human. Type this word string backwards. If you decline I'll have to assume you are using some type of electronic posting app which will result in your elimination from the game.

sniwe ihp osmi alci

Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

May-17-2013 20:27

I claim Sophie loses, and I win.

btw, Bella loses, too.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

May-18-2013 04:18

Nice try Sophie, but do you really think my charming and witty comments coulda come out of a robot? Nah.
And, of course, I win. No contest.

Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

May-18-2013 10:52

Correction. Contest over. I win.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

May-18-2013 11:04

No. Ignore that man. I win. Everybody knows that.

Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

May-18-2013 20:36

You know, Bela, I hate to have to keep correcting you. Every one knows that I am the winner.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

May-19-2013 03:22

Again: yeah, right.

Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

May-19-2013 18:53

Correction, again.

Winner = me. Peter O'Neil

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

May-20-2013 09:34

It pains me to see you wrong SO many times, Peter...I win, duh!

Then again, doesn't pain me all that much ;P

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

May-20-2013 11:48

You two have proved my point. Maybe you are one robot with two personas argueing with each other. Or--you are two robots as I first thought.

OH BOY!!! ROBOT WARS!! And I have a front seat!

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