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The last person to post wins
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Demon of the Due Date

Mar-15-2009 14:00

The object of this game is to be the last person to post in this thread! So right now I am the winner and the rest of you are losers! :-P


Thomas Veil
Thomas Veil

Mar-9-2010 04:15

Yes Miss marple.What do you expect from a illogical post?...

Shannon Greenfield
Shannon Greenfield

Mar-9-2010 09:50

Yeah, when I'm winning.

ercule olmes
ercule olmes
Sleuth About Town

Mar-9-2010 12:00

sure..... what?

Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

Mar-9-2010 19:40

What what? Is it this what or that what?

Never mind. I win.

Shannon Greenfield
Shannon Greenfield

Mar-10-2010 11:36

Oh, right. No, wrong, actually.

Thomas Veil
Thomas Veil

Mar-10-2010 11:41

It's called the imaginary Trophy.Must be a new fashion.

Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

Mar-10-2010 17:12

Yeh. I think you're right. Looks pretty good. OK, I'll take it!

ercule olmes
ercule olmes
Sleuth About Town

Mar-11-2010 01:44

I'll take the real part.. u be happy with the imaginary one

Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

Mar-11-2010 19:39

You imagine you have the real one. I'll just keep it, and win.

Lyra Cornwallis
Lyra Cornwallis
Lucky Stiff

Mar-12-2010 10:31

Yeah, quite right. The one that you think's real is forged (by me), and I've already hidden it away, so one one can find it. So the next person to post comes second not first, as you just can't find the trophy! So there!

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