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The last person to post wins
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Demon of the Due Date

Mar-15-2009 14:00

The object of this game is to be the last person to post in this thread! So right now I am the winner and the rest of you are losers! :-P


Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

Mar-6-2010 07:17

Oooops. Quick finger + slow computer = double post.


* Wait a minute .... Maybe there is a clue to ultimate victory here?!! Hmmmmmmmmm. *
* Opens frig. Finds no more beer. *
* Darn. How can a man give proper consideration to such a momentous question without a cold beer? *

ercule olmes
ercule olmes
Sleuth About Town

Mar-6-2010 10:24

I'll share my beer... don't worry peter..:)

Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

Mar-6-2010 20:58

Thanks, ercule.

* Opens beer and pours it into a frosty mug. After a long draw, he sits again at his desk and begins to ponder ... *

Hmmm. I have beer and I have trophy. Definitely have to find a way to thank ercule properly.

Lyra Cornwallis
Lyra Cornwallis
Lucky Stiff

Mar-7-2010 02:31

I don't think so - you have the beer, but I have the trophy!!!

ercule olmes
ercule olmes
Sleuth About Town

Mar-7-2010 13:57

LOL... lyra... :D :D :D

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Mar-7-2010 20:11

*Picks lock on door of ercule olmes residence.*

Now where in the world did I misplace that trophy? It couldn't have walked away on its own accord. Aha! *spying trophy she quickly grabs it and leaves*

Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

Mar-7-2010 22:04

Aha! A little shell game? Round and round, over and under.

"Excuse me ma'am"

* Picks up miss marple, retrieves the trophy from under her seat, and puts her gently back down. *

"That must have be most uncomfortable to sit on. I'm sure you will rest easier now. Good day."

ercule olmes
ercule olmes
Sleuth About Town

Mar-8-2010 02:24


Seeing peter busy in a conversation with marple.... takes away the trophy and run...................

*************** KAPWINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG*****

Rich J. Mayo
Rich J. Mayo

Mar-8-2010 12:01

What's that, Thomas Veil? I couldn't hear you. I was too busy

ercule olmes
ercule olmes
Sleuth About Town

Mar-8-2010 12:25

yupp.... winning what?????

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