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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-26-2004 07:41

This thread is for game hints. Feel free to add anything you've figured out for yourself.

Hint-> Be careful who you accuse. 3 false accusations on your record will retire your detective. However, the Shady Character in the bar can help you clean up your record if you've made too many mistakes. It'll cost you though.



Mar-21-2004 10:06

I've discovered stress detection to be a big help, at least on the beginner usually have two questions left I want to ask them when it tells me they will answer one more question this lets me wait to decide which one I want to ask after I have interviewed more


Apr-14-2004 07:59

This is the first time I've seen something like this, on Incredibly Hard -- "I searched her house and found a photograph that was apparently taken right after Jeffrey was murdered. Florence had apparently taken it herself. It showed her covered in blood and smiling, like she'd just recieved the best gift in the world. I recognised the photo from my dream, but could never explain how I knew I would find it."


Apr-14-2004 08:03

Sirgarr, I've seen that before. That time it wasn't anywhere near Incredibly Hard. (Maybe Difficult or Really Hard.) I think it's rare but can appear on most levels.


Apr-15-2004 16:33

Kit's right. I've seen that on Hard.


Apr-26-2004 21:01

I need a hint from someone whose solved "The Puzzle of the Family Shock". I'm down to two suspects, but none of my witnesses are very helpful, and those that did talk, had to be bribed in this game. I rarely ever pay a bribe, for their usually they turn out to be of no help. If someone can give me a clue, I'd appreicate your sending me a message. Thanks, DaRu

Fat Chuck
Fat Chuck

Apr-27-2004 07:21

Can't stress this one enough. You must not use a POP UP BLOCKER if you want to receive messages. Poor Secret Asian Man has been begging everyone for help and can't get an answer.

HINT: Turn off your pop-up blocker!!!


Apr-27-2004 10:36

I forget people's birthdays all the time. My mother's motive would be like "Forgot her birthday an uncountable number of times in a row". Expect me to be an unsolved victim of crime soon. lol

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-27-2004 10:55

Guilty here too, Miss Wiles.


Apr-27-2004 10:57

When you look up someone, what does "Rank: n" mean? n being a number. Is the lower number a higher rank, or a lower rank?

Secret Asian Man
Secret Asian Man

Apr-27-2004 11:18

Maybe it's just me, but I find that it pays to match Witness evidence with the alleged killer's motive. If the motive was robbery, and the witness saw the accused wearing the victim's watch the next day, then it seems more likely that the accusation is correct. I can't back this up, but that seems to be the case.

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