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chemist kit
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Sid Vicious
Sid Vicious

Jan-14-2009 16:04

can you actually use the kit to, for example footprint if they are heavy or not, i have footprint anylsis but end up have to guess because all it says is that you found a footprint


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jan-22-2009 05:42

When you have all the necessary skills to open up a crime scene you will always find all the necessary pieces of evidence to solve your case, regardless of whether it is 3 or 4 PEs.

Now "Bulldog" your life should be much


Jan-22-2009 11:18

Thanks so much!

(yup... my paperwork was a mistake... *sheepish*

Joey "Bulldog" Bane
Washed Up Punter

Jan-22-2009 11:28

Thanks Turtle :) I would roll over in joy, but I allways get stuck on my back when I do that, so I'll play it safe and just bark at the moon...and at all the strangers I see...hehe

Sid, the answer about the kit is the same: it's only a regular item. If you have footprint analysis you just MAY or MAY NOT be able to determine the characteristics of the footprint.

Joey "Bulldog" Bane
Washed Up Punter

Jan-22-2009 11:30

DRAT!!!...I must be drunk of all that joy...I just answered Sid's initial post as if it was a new one...heh...I do have a big head, but aparenly my brain ain't too crowded inside it...

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