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Price inflation for removal of false accusations

Clint Forthwright
Clint Forthwright
Old Shoe

Nov-25-2008 00:16

I have a bad habit of guessing who's the perp. And I don't always get lucky. So I went to the "shady character" found in all the bars. He charged only a few hundred.

I didn't learn my lesson. After another two strikes I come back to him and I'm charged nearly $10,000! I had to save up for this. But to make matters worse, the price would raise every time I had just enough, to make me a few bucks short.

It was only until I sold an expensive item that my nightmare ended. I won't accuse without certainty again, but I still want to know why this happened to me or happens to us all...before I decide to stop Shady's head.


Old Shoe

Nov-25-2008 01:03

You would be happy that you only had to pay $10,0o0!
If I am to pay Shady off, I will have to pay more than $700,000!
- and even that is considered cheap among others....
- it's like, when you start getting yourself a name, it surely is costly to stay alive if you have to depend on Shady.... ;-)
So, it's very good advice to NEVER, NEVER, NEVER guess.
Quit's are soooo much cheaper ;-)

Happy Sleuthing! :-)


Nov-25-2008 02:05

Something to keep in mind is that Shady's price goes up as your total experience rises. So, if you have one FA and pay it off right away, it will be cheaper than waiting until you have two FA's and paying them off together.

Keep it in mind because, even if you have given up guessing forever (and you should never, ever guess), accidents happen.

Pinball Amateur

Nov-26-2008 01:11

Here we go again....


Unfortunately, Clint, both Ani and Hug are right. Sleuthville went through a great big controversy bout this about, oh, three months ago now. We've still got Shady to deal with, but we s'pposedly have him at a greatly reduced rate, according to Admin. (Not entirely sure bout that one--my last false still cost me some $1.3 million--and yes, I DID say Million, with an M. ;-)

So, there are those of us around who're more than happy to say....

Twenty says your next case's killer is....;-D

The Valet
The Valet

Nov-26-2008 15:32

Also clint if you have to pay shady do a few lower level cases to get the money. Your experience rise a quickly and you have a better chance to catch up so you can pay him off

The Valet
The Valet

Nov-26-2008 15:34

also Im not sure how your agency works but a lot will lend you the money to pay off shady as long as it doesnt become a habit

Safety Officer

Nov-26-2008 19:03

I'd still like a way to annually, at least, get the chance to clear part, or all, of my Shady Bill [be that $'s or the number of FA's I'm sitting on] via a mechanism other than the favour grind.

I like the fact that you can 'fail', don't get me wrong, that's part of what makes this game unique, but in like 3 or so years of playing I've really only seen one 'unique' way of reducing your Shady debt that involves game play other than the unrealistic favour grind.

Demon of the Due Date

Nov-26-2008 19:26

I agree SS, it would be nice to see another way to reduce it, perhaps a new case twist where Shady is implicated in some way. Granted the chance of that twist coming up would be lower than others and who knows what city it would happen in!

Cass Trait
Cass Trait

Nov-30-2008 00:39

Is price inflation big problem in game? I have price inflation problems at my home. I hope that price inflation not hurt my game. Does it?

Old Shoe

Nov-30-2008 06:11

It's Christmas Shady where's the Christmas sale!

Pinball Amateur

Nov-30-2008 17:10

Don't worry bout price inflation too much, Cass. Just concentrate on learning how to solve cases.

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