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Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-13-2008 23:17

I’ve been biting my tongue on this for a long time. Mostly because I’m indicting myself.
What I liked about Sleuth before I subbed……and what influenced me to subscribe was that I earned things. I earned skill points and I could buy gear when I earned enough money. Eventually I wanted to travel so I subbed, that was fun-- I traveled. But before long I wanted more. I joined an agency. That was great…I built myself up, I joined the Tea Steepers, did a lot of sleuthing and eventually Stooby and I created Endeavour Investigations.

All that said, if we want to think about why people don’t STAY with Sleuth I think I have an insight to that. I’m guilty of this myself…we are too helpful.

There are newbies wearing Villan Hunt Reward gear. How can they get excited about the game if everything is given to them? Like I said, I’m guilty of this myself.

For me the best part of the game was that I did all those favors and went back and forth to the tea steepers bringing them what they wanted to keep them pirates off my back, and when I captured a villian I chose my reward because I earned it. What makes it good is earning the bling, not having it given to you.

State the obvious: Once you have the goodies the thrill is gone.


Juju Sweet
Juju Sweet

Sep-14-2008 18:25

I have to say that I've played it both ways--having two detectives subbed I've experienced both having nice AVH gear from the beginning and having to scratch and claw my way up to it.

Personally, I enjoyed having to work my way up for it. Sure, I didn't accumulate points as quickly with that tactic (because I wouldn't take as hard of cases when I left my home city), but I had long term goals which kept me motivated.

I think that some days it's hard to get motivated to keep playing without those goals. I now try to keep track of what mine are so I can keep shooting for them and get excited. I hope that I'll be able to keep making these goals, otherwise it would be quite boring.
Now, I think it's important to have smart gear and such for newbies that may be of AVH quality, as learning the game without being able to analyze more than 1/2 of evidence is frustrating.

But I'm not going to pretend my opinion represents some absolute way to look at it, as each person has their own motivators for playing the game. I think that some very good points have been made for both sides, but I think it depends more on the disposition of the new sleuth.

Old Shoe

Sep-15-2008 06:06

I think that this is all depends on the player and the agency. Some people want the challenge and some agencies, especially the new ones won't be able to share very good gear with its players until they reach the level of officer. Personally I believe that gear should be earned but like I said its an agency thing..


Sep-16-2008 01:09

I'm STILL looking for them dang Cairo shoes! ;)

miss snopes
miss snopes
Demon of the Due Date

Sep-17-2008 09:31

Me and you both Razamatazz!

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