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How to hunt an Arch-Villain
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Sep-7-2008 13:33

So, when you're in London, and your last three suspected co-conspirators are the Barber, Tailor, and Waiter...

... when you get the clue IS A WOMAN, you should definitely cross the Tailor off your list of possibles and continue working so that you can accuse the Barber.

Sometimes I really scare myself.



Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-10-2008 05:57

When I go to a townie to capture its an *event*. I mark the special occasion with a glass of bubbly. Plop-plop-fizz-fizz



Sep-10-2008 08:51

I want to chase villains with Sophie! ;-)

Con Artist

Sep-10-2008 10:30

Me too! Me too!

miss snopes
miss snopes

Sep-10-2008 10:32

Blasted....the last one was from me. I have to start paying better attention to whose clothes I'm wearing!!

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Oct-17-2008 13:37

Thanks ctown for showing me this thread :)

Ok, as some know, I've just returned from a long break...well, before i took the break, i think i only did one villain hunt, and failed. (ofcourse, and u will see why as u read on down lol)

I mean, I really dont know WHY I wanted to do this kind of a hunt again, when I dont know my friggin directions AT ALL..i swear I look like an IDIOT on the street, trying to figure out where Im GOING...BUT....anyhoo.....

I am currently on a hunt. It was in Delhi to start. Now, its taking me to NY (thank GOD)....Ok, well, I did all 11 of my cases (it took one case to travel to Delhi from shrangi-la la land)....and ..this is what i did....

*puts hands over mouth, coughs, and says real fast* ittookmeall11casesandsomeonetellingmewherethevillainistoproceed!!

Ok, *sigh*...i suppose I must just SAY it....*covers face and says slowly* it took me all 11 cases, and someone spelling it out for me on where that dumb ass villain is, for me to be able to proceed!!! Now I have to wait until tomorrow to continue, where as, had i had my brain screwed on tight, I could've atleast traveled to the next place, and got one more clue b4 i ran out of cases. :o(((

I swear Im never doing this kind of hunt AGAIN!! (yeah right!)

**runs out of room screaming in tears from embarrassment**

Sleuth About Town

Oct-17-2008 13:52

Aww, Mak, that's happened to everyone.

And since my last post... *blushes of embarrassment* I DID manage to fail a hunt. :(

Now, as to how I did it... I was in London and down to either Curator or Barber and needed the East or West clue. I knew that the Librarian was west, even though, she wasn't on my list of possible co-conspirators. However, when I got to that point, I had one more case left. I finally got the clue I needed, it said, "...IS EAST of the Detective Shop." I accused the Curator. Then I saw, "Villain Hunt Failed." I thought, "Oh no, I didn't just..." I checked the map and saw it was the Barber that was East and not the Curator.


Oct-17-2008 14:09

I don't know what's the matter with you people. Next thing you know one of you is gonna get all the clues you need in City 3 and then just take off for the final city and leave the villain behind without trying to capture. And then to make matters worse, go back to City 3, get distracted with something and go to the final city again whilst leaving the villain behind!

I never did anything like that, but I hear my very good friend Brady Quinn did! ;-)

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Oct-17-2008 14:26


Well, I guess I dont feel so bad then. We all have our lil blunders....or bloopers, in ctown's case lol ; ) do you forget the villain, when you are on a villain hunt? *sheesh* ok ok ok, atleast it didnt take u all 11 cases, and someone spelling it out for ya, to continue on. Yes, I do make jabs at my own noone else has to do it :o)

Lil....wouldnt you and I be a pair together, trying to figure out directions? LOL : ) I dunno about you...but, I really do stink at the north,south,east, west thing. maybe i will get better down the road :)


Oct-17-2008 14:43

Oh don't get her started on directions. Everyone knows how great I am with directions, I learned from one of the best, Sleuth Admin himself! ;-)

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