Say Cheese!!
Pinball Amateur
Sep-3-2008 20:06
Made ya look!! ;-P
No, seriously, we're looking for pictures. Lots and lots of pictures. Here's what we need:
Reward items:
We're looking for things that can be used as new reward items. If you've got a picture (or can take a picture of) a hat, some kind of coat, shoes, or accessory (anything from jewelry to a pet to a car to whatever), send it.
Apartment items:
We're looking for things that can be used in apartments. Furniture, glassware, silverware, paintings, knick-knacks, tapestries or rugs, appliances, if you've got it on digital film, we wanna see it!
We're looking for shots of the six cities of Sleuth, the more detailed the better. Remember, Sleuth is based on the time period of the 1920's-1940's, so your pictures need to reflect that, please.
The Rules:
All pictures MUST be sent to the following address:
No exceptions. Don't bother sending paper photos, they won't arrive anywhere.
All photos MUST be your personal property, or have your personal permission to use. DO NOT send copyrighted photos. No photos will be returned to their senders. No guarantees are made that any specific photo will be used.
All photos must depict items that are from the Sleuth era (1920's-1940's) or earlier. Do not send pictures depicting items from a later era, please. DO NOT SEND AVATAR PHOTOS. Photos can be submitted by Subbed or Unsubbed people, doesn't matter. We give no guarantees that your pictures will be used, simply that they'll be considered.
So get creative, and get snapping!! ;-D
Replies |
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Sep-3-2008 20:58
One question...
And the purpose of this is what? Is it a contest or something?
Pinball Amateur
Sep-3-2008 22:19
We're looking for pictures for a variety of purposes. The Reward Items are to possibly be used with a new hunt idea that's discussed in the 'Brainstorming' thread. The Apartment Items are for getting some new things f0r apartments (in all cities, at all price levels). The Landscape pictures are for the hidden mobile/permanent sites proposal also discussed in the Brainstorming thread.
Hope that helps! ;-D
Lucky Stiff
Sep-4-2008 03:00
Ooooh, new player submitted content, great idea Breit!
I've already dug out some pics I think might be ok, I'll send them as an email to the address.
Camera, let's go take some more photos!
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
Sep-4-2008 04:53
Sep-4-2008 10:30
Sounds like fun. I love old pics.
Sep-6-2008 11:33
You can also do some googling for the kind of pics you want and then...sleuth them up a bit to match the Sleuth period ;~)
Pinball Amateur
Sep-6-2008 14:11
Yes, that's possible, Nightmist, but there's two small problems with googling.
1. A LOT (repeat, LOT), of the images on the web are copyrighted. We can't use any previously copyrighted pictures (unless, of course, you'd like to pay the copyright fees). So, any image that comes from the web MUST (repeat again several times, MUST MUST MUST) be copyright-free. Otherwise, don't bother sending it, cause we won't be able to use it (and yes, if we find an image we think came from the web, we're gonna be asking the sender(s) where he/she got it).
2. We're trying our hardest to get as much community participation as possible. One significant way the community can help is to provide us with pictures/images that THEY themselves have taken. Personalizing this process builds up the community. When we get a project completed and up running, people will have the chance to say, "Hey, I did that!," when they find their pic in the expansion.
So yes, taking stuff from the web is one way. But we'd REALLLLLLLLY like to get as many pics from people here on Sleuth as we possibly can.
Thanks!! ;-)
Old Shoe
Sep-12-2008 09:20
Ok so I'm having trouble thinking of stuff. How bout we brainstorm ideas for new items? I know there's a thread out there about new items but can't find it.
Sep-12-2008 11:06
That new items thread goes back so far in time that some of the stuff (most? all?) has been implemented already. Why not start a new list on this thread, since the two subjects are connected? I'll start us off.
Since I'm not sure Biggie is checking the Noir boards these days, I'll have to say it for her...
And now, moving on, let's say some nice, period jewelry. Looooooooong beads from the '20's, and some nice, chunky Bakelite stuff from the '30's, perhaps?
How about a mystery book as an accessory? Adds smarts.
Old Shoe
Sep-13-2008 00:56
Found it! :D
Hopefully this'll give us some more additions.