Lucky Stiff
Aug-25-2008 01:48
Calling all UK sleuthers out there! I would like to organise a sleuth meet-up in London sometime over the weekend of 20-21 September 2008.
Now, this is in NO way supposed to be a Sleuth Con, I'm not trying to steal Rhiemma's great idea, it's more like a Sleuth hey-I-was-in-the-neighbourhood-so-why-don't-we-have-a-drink.
Details to be worked out. Depending on numbers and interest, the meet-up could include any, all or none of the following: drinks, dinner, lunch, movie, other activity (dunno what, ideas welcome).
The weekend is non-negotiable, however exact date and time are flexible. And if there is high demand for somewhere other than London, I will entertain the idea (mostly by reading the suggestions and laughing :P)
Anyone in the UK interested? Ok, even Europe sleuthers are invited. Oh alright then, all sleuthers all over the world are invited too. (Don't go calling me country-ist). Just don't expect any subsidies, the most you'll get from me is one round ;)
Sleuth meet-up, London, weekend of 20-21 Sept.
Interested? Post here or PM me.