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UK sleuth meet-up
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Lucky Stiff

Aug-25-2008 01:48

Calling all UK sleuthers out there! I would like to organise a sleuth meet-up in London sometime over the weekend of 20-21 September 2008.

Now, this is in NO way supposed to be a Sleuth Con, I'm not trying to steal Rhiemma's great idea, it's more like a Sleuth hey-I-was-in-the-neighbourhood-so-why-don't-we-have-a-drink.

Details to be worked out. Depending on numbers and interest, the meet-up could include any, all or none of the following: drinks, dinner, lunch, movie, other activity (dunno what, ideas welcome).

The weekend is non-negotiable, however exact date and time are flexible. And if there is high demand for somewhere other than London, I will entertain the idea (mostly by reading the suggestions and laughing :P)

Anyone in the UK interested? Ok, even Europe sleuthers are invited. Oh alright then, all sleuthers all over the world are invited too. (Don't go calling me country-ist). Just don't expect any subsidies, the most you'll get from me is one round ;)

Sleuth meet-up, London, weekend of 20-21 Sept.

Interested? Post here or PM me.


Demon of the Due Date

Sep-18-2008 14:56

No notes are needed, people will just randomly walk up to you and just guess that you are a detective! ;-)

Lucky Stiff

Sep-18-2008 15:48

Darn, I knew I shoulda got the librarian contact instead!

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-18-2008 15:55

Watch your back...always watch your back. Like an owl but without moving your head. Those arch villians would love to catch you in London with your guard down. Look suave and be cool.

Old Shoe

Sep-19-2008 04:13

Maybe you guys should all carry revolvers in case an evil organization just happens to be there.

Hairlock Bones
Hairlock Bones

Sep-19-2008 05:20

Birmingham is my town so if you'd like any hints/tips about where to go for good food/good beer or whatever, feel free to ask.

Which day are you meeting, Saturday or Sunday?

I would remove yourselves from New Street station as fast as possible, it doesn't have much going for it, although by 2015 it will look like an alien greenhouse according to blueprints released this week. At least it can't be any worse than now. I hope.

Carry revolvers, at New Street Station? There are certainly a few shifty looking types hanging around (mostly in the Shakespeare!) but I think revolvers are possibly best left in underwear drawers!

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-19-2008 05:59

So you'll be there too Mr. Bones?! I hope so. It is a get-together for sleuthers. You qualify :D

Old Shoe

Sep-19-2008 06:33

Don't worry the shiftier the more useful I find.

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Sep-20-2008 13:51

Yay! It was a great day for the meet, the sun was shining and the we found a pleasant spot by the canal to have a beer and put the world to rights. Happy days :) Thanks for coming up with the idea Top!

Brady Quinn
Brady Quinn
Safety Officer

Sep-20-2008 13:55

yeah yeah yeah Brasco! Where are the pics? ;-)

Hope you all had a great time!

Evelyn Gardner
Evelyn Gardner
Sleuth About Town

Sep-20-2008 14:19

We had a fantastic time!!! I am so glad that TK organised this meeting, I hope we can meet again soon!!! The weather was beautiful, the company was brilliant, so I had a lot of fun...

The pics are in her camera ;)

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