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UK sleuth meet-up
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Lucky Stiff

Aug-25-2008 01:48

Calling all UK sleuthers out there! I would like to organise a sleuth meet-up in London sometime over the weekend of 20-21 September 2008.

Now, this is in NO way supposed to be a Sleuth Con, I'm not trying to steal Rhiemma's great idea, it's more like a Sleuth hey-I-was-in-the-neighbourhood-so-why-don't-we-have-a-drink.

Details to be worked out. Depending on numbers and interest, the meet-up could include any, all or none of the following: drinks, dinner, lunch, movie, other activity (dunno what, ideas welcome).

The weekend is non-negotiable, however exact date and time are flexible. And if there is high demand for somewhere other than London, I will entertain the idea (mostly by reading the suggestions and laughing :P)

Anyone in the UK interested? Ok, even Europe sleuthers are invited. Oh alright then, all sleuthers all over the world are invited too. (Don't go calling me country-ist). Just don't expect any subsidies, the most you'll get from me is one round ;)

Sleuth meet-up, London, weekend of 20-21 Sept.

Interested? Post here or PM me.


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-17-2008 07:42

You need to have a cute gimmick so you all know each other if you're meeting in a square. Perhaps you each wear or carry a red carnation. Something mysterious like that. Just a suggestion.

Can't wait to see the pictures.

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Sep-17-2008 08:12

um... we have mobile phones :P

miss snopes
miss snopes

Sep-17-2008 09:22

you mean you're not all sticking with the noir theme and dressing 1920-1950ish?


Lucky Stiff

Sep-17-2008 12:22

I thought about asking Ben to donate some of those "cute" sleuth t-shirts. Really, I did. But then I decided I'd just write "Sleuth" on my mobile phone and wave it about ;)

And too bad you can't come Ms Helen, you're gonna miss a GREAT time! :D

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Sep-17-2008 12:50

can you believe that at the UK meet, I'll be the only Brit there?? :S

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Sep-17-2008 12:50

can you believe that at the UK meet, I'll be the only Brit there?? :S


Sep-17-2008 13:41

Well you know how to find Brasco now! He'll be the one that repeats everything he says! :-P

Lucky Stiff

Sep-17-2008 14:13

The way things are going Brasco, you might be the only one there :D

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Sep-17-2008 16:00

just making sure I got through to the foreigners :P

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

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