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Captain's Journal
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Sleuth About Town

Aug-22-2008 01:23

I have found 9 pages of the Captain's Journal but I don't Know what to do with them.
I went to Captain's Quarters read the Journal but nothing happens when I find a new page.
Any help appreciated (If this is not considered a spoiler)



Assistant Postman

May-17-2009 16:08

How do you find the journal articles

Safety Officer

May-17-2009 17:13

It's similar to how Cairo / Catacombs works.

Lucky Stiff

May-30-2012 03:26

how does Cairo/Catacombs work?? been out of the game way too long :(

Emily Hill
Emily Hill
Lucky Stiff

May-30-2012 03:47

Chawnes, I know the feeling. I keep getting lost too. I'm like Where's the tailor? Then go to the shoemaker by mistake.

I haven't been on the ship yet and I'm a little scared... :)

Lucky Stiff

May-30-2012 04:11

ive been on it twice :( made lots of money but have not found any pages or anything, feeling a little disheartened.. dont get me wrong its a fantastic spot and the featured mystery was good too, having no crew to rely on and doing it old school was an exciting challenge, just wish i knew the G-O with the journal pages..

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

May-30-2012 07:22

PM Sent.


Jul-15-2016 01:39

Got 6 pages now. Is there a point in going further?

William Herondale
William Herondale

Feb-11-2020 13:58

Exactly how do you find the pages for the journal?

Blanche de Beaumont
Blanche de Beaumont
Con Artist

Feb-11-2020 16:23

You must do a favour for one of your contacts. You'll receive a map to explore the ship's cargo hold where you'll find a page from the captain's journal.

Blanche de Beaumont
Blanche de Beaumont
Con Artist

Feb-11-2020 16:27

It goes without saying that it must be a contact on the ship. :[)

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