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Guard Dogs on the Sleuthetania
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Aug-6-2008 10:21

I have just lost my map for the cargo hold because I stumbled onto guard dogs 3 time...sigh Too bad I didn't side with the Tigers. I guess their influence extends to the ship's cargo hold. Are the Steepers asleep at the wheel?? Can't they find something to neutralize these dogs!! Darn it wait till I get back to Shangri La you useless Steepers grrrr.


Con Artist

Aug-8-2008 14:29

When I first went inside the catacombs, I was going around in circles. I do not even know what an artifact looks like! I remember telling Miss Snopes that it's impossible for us (with HN) to get an artifact. I got discouraged. I was even surprised that no players with HN skill raised an issue. I wondered how they were able to do it.

However, for some strange ways, I got lucky and had opportunities to get artifacts and some books. Now I know it is possible.

So, players with HN skill, don't lose hope. Yes, it is possible!!! ;)

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Aug-8-2008 14:39

The shoes you get are only +1 in charm or tough above what you can get in AVHs. They don't really do anything for you, they're just "bling." Yes, I have mine but I didn't notice any change in my game. Like I said they're just decoration, definately NOT worth stressing over.

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Aug-8-2008 14:50

add. The boots/shoes are nice, the stress I was refering to was Miss Snopes BP.

Sorry if I offended anyone, my brain and the keyboard are not in sync. The boots/shoes are good.

'nuff said.

Lucky Stiff

Aug-8-2008 21:08

"things seem to come in shifts for my det"

Umm... that IS random. Have you ever done that math teacher trick, flip a coin 100 times and see which way up it lands?

miss snopes
miss snopes
Demon of the Due Date

Aug-9-2008 04:20

Yep. Tails tends to have a slight edge over heads. ;)

You're right Sophie, shoes aren't worth bad health. haha I was just aiming for the humerous with the BP talk.

Lucky Stiff

Aug-9-2008 05:53

See, you must be using different coins then me... mine are always heads up! ;)

Of course if there were more of a choice besides shoes, say Gucci bag or Prada jacket, then TD would win hands down. :P

Vampiric Smile
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer

Aug-9-2008 09:31

People that have made the mistake to follow the Steepers are simply trying to put some credit in their false decision !
Nothing is ever changing in this stoned game !

Old Shoe

Aug-9-2008 09:48

If solutions was that simple, you might tell us who Guiltfinder are going to side with? Steepers? ;-)

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Aug-9-2008 10:14

Yes nothing changed, same supercilious comments from VS...
hahahaha *ouch* I think my sides have just split.


Aug-9-2008 23:43

Aknas of course we don't lose hope!!!And we don't lose any cases from Pirates for sure!

Personally , chosing HN is a decision I don't regret for .Try catching that damn Villain around the cities (every damn Villain will do:P) and always crossing fingers for those bloody Pirates not to show up!

If I could do my travelling without caring about my lost cases because I knew I could pump my character with another character's cases like someone from my country who posted in this thread , I would probably choose TD too.

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