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Old Shoe

Jul-31-2008 17:41

Just one more thought that I would like to air...

What if we could have even a new kind of treasure hunt, where what you were seeking was not the correct favor, but the correct twist.
- we would probably need more different twists though, and may be the hunt's need to be requiring more steps to finish, but it might be a little more relaxing to do?
Perhaps we could have so many different twist's of the LARRY type, that there were only theese twist's that was searched? In order to make this more even, I suggest that the twist cannot appear in a case that is stored in some kind of case file or apartment, and it must have been opened the same day...
Perhaps theese kind of hunts need to be for a limited amount of people from each "team" or agency that participate, so may be there would be a quest of some kind that was needed to be acomplished to be able to join the hunt, and the one who "buy his team into the hunt", will have to decide the members of his/her team at that moment...? May be only 4 or 8 in the team, and theese can be from different agencies? - or same agency? May be there will be special pages that only those in the teams and this hunt might access?

Having a hunt of twists (or even intro's??) would give every participant more abilities to advance the hunt with less demand on case solving. - and not being able to use stored cases (not even your own opened the same day), and not cases opened the day before, and kept open (or should this be allowed??) I think will contribute to limitations that will require planning. Perhaps the twist only occur in another city?

I think that this kind of hunt would not be too difficult to implement, but will add to variation and fun in the game. What do you think?


Old Shoe

Aug-1-2008 04:40

Perhaps you need to find a new group called the Hermites(?) (Eremittene in Norwegian, a group of people who live alone, may be on pillars?) that you may find in Cairo(?) to learn the skill of being able to answer such questions to be able to unclam a suspect or townie or two in a certain case?

Someone surely need to make the story around this if it's going to be implemented.... :-)

Would be interesting to get ideas about how such a new group could be found or revealed? Some kind of "first time difficult", until someone have broken the code and shared with all the others, or some kind of difficulty which is connected to a certain task to do, or just plain simple straight forward?

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Aug-1-2008 07:39

Well, just a thought, but perhaps it could be a skill that works similar to surveillance, so it doesn't work all the time and you'd have to know the intro too, so it's be a hard skill to get to work, but perhaps you could use it on a clammed townie, like surveillance works on suspects? A "Compulsion" skill? Just an idea.

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Aug-1-2008 07:49

There are no factions in Cairo are there? Hmmm... ok, Egypt is full of desert, you get Nomads in the desert that move around, perhaps there could be a Larry the Toe type character pop up in Cairo who can give you the location of where the Nomads have set up camp, and have a Big Lucy's style camp and this is where you can buy the skill? Why are you able to compel the townies? Well, the acient Arabic art of bartering of course! ;)

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Aug-1-2008 08:05

"Suma the Sage" and The Nomadic Souks lol :D

Old Shoe

Aug-1-2008 08:17

All I can say is that your ideas sounds great! :-)
Nomads connected to a larry kind of twist would be great! I loved that idea. :-)
And having the skill not working all the time is something good. ;-)

I would still want another skill that you might want to find somewhere else (how/where? good ideas are welcome), which will give you the possibility to get the intro back when working on a case... It's a skill just like the "counter idea" I had earlier, that you don't really need, but it might come in handy if you don't want to note down information all the time...
Perhaps it's some kind of librarian who know that kind of skill... (being able to turn to the first page of the book again)??

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Aug-1-2008 09:04

It's a clever idea, but I don't think it's worth Ben's time creating skills that players can actually do themselves, like the counter. There are ways around forgetting the intro, like you could copy and paste into a notebook or word document, and agencies might start compiling the answers like they have with the "little jobs" questions. But that's ok, if you copy and paste it, you will still have to read it to get the answers, and good luck to those industrious agencies who get around to compiling all the answers lol there are so many intros!
I put a thread up a long while back about getting people to read the intros... so this is a topic close to my heart (especially since I've written quite a few intros lol ;) )

Old Shoe

Aug-1-2008 09:35

In my eyes I guess theese two skills are among the easiest to implement, and would be of little effort, more-gain type ;-)

What will be more job will be the part of aquiring the skill.
When the skill is aquired, they are quite simple I think.

The "counter-visibility-skill", is just a small change to the Detective info page... Since this value obviously must be known on the sleuth-server, what is needed is a simple test like:
if detective.twistCounterSkill == true:
---- code to show counter on page

The "StoryLine"-skill is somewhat more difficult, but not so much.
If you have the "StoryLine" skill, you have an extra link on your detective info page (or the case page?), which sends you to a quite simple page.

When you are working on a case (which is surely known on the server) the page has some links (otherwise it only says you are currently not working on a case):
* link to intro (Ben already know how to show the intro, and he surely knows some kind of id of the intro)
* link to the twist (or a message saying the twist is not yet revealed)
(And as with intro's, Ben also know how to show a twist...)

I think there is about a thousand different intros in Sleuth... - but even so, I still have a feeling I often get intros flashing by that I have had before...
May be it's about thousand who are written, and 500 that's active?

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Aug-1-2008 10:38

yeah, so intos are specific to a certain city so they will appear more often in that one city I guess...


Aug-1-2008 10:45

not all intros are specific to certain cities, while I only did one intro, I had the option to choose all cities are a specific one that I wanted it to appear in.

Brasco, that's why I wanted to say something about intros, those of you that have done multiple intros deserve some recognition for all that hard work. This could be just the way to get people to read them! ;-)

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Aug-1-2008 16:17

I do get a lot of enjoyment out of writing, so that's all the reason I need, but I do feel bad that really almost everyone skips through the intros (and I'm as guilty as anyone for this!) . It does make them seem pointless in the game so integrating them in some way would solve this... this fits quite neatly too... Thanks for bringing it back into the forum :)

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