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Jul-22-2008 22:55

Well folks, you may or may not have seen my coming soon announcement about Sleuth Internet Radio. And heres an update. The show will debut on August 17, 2008 at 4:00 EDT. I am still working on some special guests and working out a few minor kinks, the link will be available to you all soon.

Rumor has it that a certain Shady character got wind of it as well and may be making an appearance. I'm really looking forward to doing this and hope you will all have fun listening, it will be a live show so anything can happen.

More details coming soon!


Old Shoe

Sep-2-2008 14:10

This click-to-call-feature... ?
Would it be possible to use?
I am asking now without much knowledge, but it seems like a way to do it???
Would anyone who knows better than me give answers?


Sep-7-2008 18:38

Slight change in plans, next weeks broadcast (9/14) will be a t 3:00 PM EST one hor earlier than initially planned


Sep-13-2008 10:23

Just one more day until the next broadcast. I hope you will all be there! I have a new villain hunt tournament to announce and a new promo to play for you all. And then of course we encourage you to call in and we can talk about whatever you want to talk about.

Start time will be at precisely 3:00 PM EST.

Oh, and I got some new intro music that I think is very appropraite to the game! ;-)

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Sep-13-2008 10:30

Nice one :) Don't forget my question... I have! :S

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Sep-13-2008 10:31

oh, and can we send in e-mails? Calling the US from here would be a bit expensive!

Aunt Pittypat
Aunt Pittypat

Sep-13-2008 14:27

Auntie will be listening and participating in the chat room, if I can find it. Old age and trudging around in these hip waders is no fun. You youngins remember to enjoy your youth. Unfortunately, there were no single rich gents in the old folks home to buy Auntie a phone, so I can not call in.

Poor Auntie has been under the weather and unable to play for a couple of days. My fingers have been needing some cute wittle cheeks to pinch and with ctown doing his radio show, he can't run away from his Auntie.

I hope you will be serving some nice bourbon.... with beer chasers of course.


Sep-13-2008 15:16

I remember your question Brasco, have it written down at hope as a topic of discussion. People can also PM me some questions if they'd like. I haven't decided yet if I want to set up an email box for people to submit content or just use my personal email, I'm leaning towards personal but I'll have that decision in the next day or so!

Safety Officer

Sep-13-2008 20:33

mmm hope to be there, albeit a tad unresponsive, at 5am :)

Stormy Day
Stormy Day

Sep-13-2008 21:05

Isn't Starbucks open at 5am? Get a triple shot, extra hot. That'll perk you up.


Sep-13-2008 21:49

Is it 3:00 yet?

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