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Jul-22-2008 22:55

Well folks, you may or may not have seen my coming soon announcement about Sleuth Internet Radio. And heres an update. The show will debut on August 17, 2008 at 4:00 EDT. I am still working on some special guests and working out a few minor kinks, the link will be available to you all soon.

Rumor has it that a certain Shady character got wind of it as well and may be making an appearance. I'm really looking forward to doing this and hope you will all have fun listening, it will be a live show so anything can happen.

More details coming soon!


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Aug-20-2008 11:27

Congrats on your radio broadcast ctown. I logged in for an hour or so and found it a lot of fun to associate voices to characters we meet in Sleuth everyday. A lot of good ideas were thrown about, not least Breikat's. I will surely log in for the next one. Keep up your excellent work. I hope you have as much fun doing the broadcast as we have listening to it :))))

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Aug-20-2008 17:56

I'd like to add that Ctown has a great voice for radio... definitely shock jock material ;)

Sleuth About Town

Aug-20-2008 18:32

I agree, Brasco.

But, if not shockjock, perhaps sleuthjock.

*smacks himself in the back of the head*

Safety Officer

Aug-21-2008 18:20

:) a thought for down the line after having a convo with someone who said they were having trouble with the american twang...

if the show is going to be an hour next time? I think I've heard that mentioned 'somewhere', maybe someone might volunteer to make a transcript of it for (a) the deaf (no, I don't know if we have any deaf players) and (b) for people who don't have English as a first language. (Obv if they play Sleuth they cope quite well with the written word, but often accents & just the speed at which you have to pick up & inwardly digest normal speech is hard)

Just a thought for an enterprising individual.


Aug-21-2008 21:50

I think it would be a great idea if someone could make a transcript of it. I've heard from some people where English is not their first language and I know I'm not the most articulate person in the world. There are some players I know of that are hearing impaired but I don't know if any are completely deaf. Great thoughts SS, Thank You.

Next show is tentatively set for Sept 14 at 4:00 PM EST. I already have some new content and ideas of things to talk about. The 14th isn't written in stone and taht may change, thats a very big day for me! Browns vs Steelers, weekend so if I go with it don't be surprised at football references! ;-) (American football that is)

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Aug-22-2008 12:10

Is that the same day as the game? Just asking because it would be funny to have u doing the radio show, then interrupt yourself cheering for the Browns on tv hahahaha Go Steelers, by the way teehee I'm from, and live in Ohio so I should be saying Go Browns....I just have to be different *grin* (Steelers QB is from Findlay (where I live and have lived all my life), so..have to support him hehe


Aug-22-2008 12:56

Same day as the game but 4 hours before game time. I will actually be at the game that night. I twill be televised Nationally on NCB, you can all look for me in the stands, I'll be the one wearing the Browns jersey! ;-)

I know all about Ben Worthlessberger being from Findlay, he even went to college in Ohio, the triator! ;-)

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Aug-22-2008 15:35

worthlessburger...bite your tongue buddy!! hehe ;)


Aug-22-2008 19:14

LOL, we can turn this into a Browns Steelers battle. The only thing more important to me than the show on the 14th is the game! But to get back on track.

I have some ideas for the show, things to talk about, some new sounds, new ideas... I'd love to get some content from any of you, we don't have any agency ads yet. Those intereseted in sending one in, PM me and I will provide an email address to send it to.


Aug-28-2008 00:35

Where can one hear the show?

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