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Jul-22-2008 22:55

Well folks, you may or may not have seen my coming soon announcement about Sleuth Internet Radio. And heres an update. The show will debut on August 17, 2008 at 4:00 EDT. I am still working on some special guests and working out a few minor kinks, the link will be available to you all soon.

Rumor has it that a certain Shady character got wind of it as well and may be making an appearance. I'm really looking forward to doing this and hope you will all have fun listening, it will be a live show so anything can happen.

More details coming soon!



Aug-17-2008 20:05

What a great idea, Ctown, and it was a wonderful show! It was also wonderful to see everyone in bar chat. You know, the chat almost makes sense if you listen to the radio show at the same time. If you just read it on it's own, well...

but we already know our sleuthy friends are a bit nuts. :D


Aug-17-2008 20:06

My apologies, I wasnt reading the bar chat at the time, but just went through it.

I dont know how long it's gonna take but I'm still on a high from the show. You were all great listeners and I can't thank you enough.

I will be planning the next show this week and will have a date shortly. Sometime in Seotember, maybe do a special show for someones b-day on the 16th! ;-)

Sleuth About Town

Aug-17-2008 20:35

Nicely done, ctown. I'm proud of ya,bro.
There was a lotta wonderful stuff.

Listening and riding the chat was awesome. Looking forward to the next one.

And, Ani,... of course we're nuts, they go well with beer. lol.


Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Aug-17-2008 22:47

Ctown, you did an excellent job, and I really enjoyed listening! It was fun, and I did get a kick out of it, when Octavia called. lol AWESOME job, and cant wait until the next show!!! : )


Aug-18-2008 00:39

I have to say that I am quite impressed with all of your efforts!

Wow!!! You have done such a super job in getting the community together! And way awesome that Ben was there too! I enjoyed it and I hope that lots of interest comes out of it!!!!

Old Shoe

Aug-18-2008 03:05

Hey guys just wondering, how do I get this on my ipod? Couldn't make it to the live show unfortunately. :(

Safety Officer

Aug-18-2008 06:35

you can download it yoyo. there's a download button when you go to ctowns radio page. scroll back through these pages to find that. It's only a 25meg file.

Lucky Stiff

Aug-18-2008 09:44

That was a great show Ctown!! I'm really looking forward to the next one. Maybe eventually I'll even get round to figuring out skype!

This is the address folks:

There is also a link in the Sleuth Community Sites section of City Hall.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-18-2008 09:58

Great show ctown! And the bar chat was hysterical. I'm excited about the next one and looking forward to hanging out with everyone again.

You're so right Ani about it making sense if you're listening. Poor Aknas couldn't hear it live (she has since listened to a replay) and I can only imagine how confusing we were most of the time. haha

I heard Heimlich's promo last night and loved it! Ctown, be sure to check it out soon, you'll really like it!


Aug-18-2008 10:01

I went back and read a log of the chat session to see what you all were talking about while I was babbling on and on. It was hysterical. I'll post a copy of the chat log over on DPI's website later tonight after I get hom from work!

I'm still laughing about the whole show and how Octavia called in to yell at me! Has she contacted any of you to solve her case yet?

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