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faction warehouses

hannah blue
hannah blue

Jun-5-2008 07:14

...i think that factions should have storage could rent a storage space for an item at perhaps $50.00 a day...this would be for detectives who do not wish to be in an agency, detectives in a small agency who need an extra storage locker, and or a detective who does not want or cannot afford an apartment or a largr should only be able to rent a warehouse from one faction at a time and or the faction that you obtained in the city that you are in....


Pinball Pro

Jun-5-2008 12:18

And this is different than apartments how? If yone doesn't want to be in an agency there is the option for apartemnets, granted they are much more expensive but there is the option for what you are asking!

Safety Officer

Jun-5-2008 17:05

I may have misunderstood but...

Ok you rent a Whiskey Cellar Agency for $100 a day. You want to spend $50 a day on storage? Why not rent a Garage giving you an extra 8 storage spaces? Or even a Tiny Office for $150 a day and get an extra 3 storage spaces and an extra 2 case files.

It would seem to me that Ben created the next two tiers of Agencies sizes to cater to your previously stated needs.

I DO like the faction / risk / numbers racket / lottery ideas. AND I certainly think Sleuth has room for something like that besides the Shanghai Racetrack. I think with so many Factions and nefarious ill-doers about, that a little more organised crime would seem to fit hand-in-glove with Sleuthville.

I think maybe this idea is a bit like trying to reinvent the wheel. But by all means persuade me otherwise.

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