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City Message Boards
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miss snopes
miss snopes

May-27-2008 23:43

Just thinking out loud here but it would be fun if each city had it's own message boards. They would be good for building inter-city relationships or just good ole trash talking during TH"s, etc.

I realize there really isn't a need for them right now as the boards aren't bustling with traffic lately but if they were, it would be great fun. :)


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

May-28-2008 05:56

^ that was me. I forgot my identity. Sorry.

Gracie Lou
Gracie Lou
Assistant Librarian

May-28-2008 08:42

Ah, I certainly hope I did not come across as disatisfied or bored...
I am a die-hard Sleuth Noir lover :D
I don't get bored here, it is my little sanctuary where I come to recreate and enjoy (and use my little gray cells) as RL permits

I do enjoy hearing all of the new ideas coming from some of the newer detectives, whether or not they are implemented - as well as the differing opinions.

*Gracie Lou grins, then throws confetti on Greebo/Sophie4's head and runs away to find Brasco's party*

Old Shoe

May-28-2008 09:33

Sorry Sophie4/Greebo....?
WHERE do you think that game improvement questions are to be posted?
When I was really new to the game, I posted it in the subscription part of the message board, but was politely asked by Secret Squirrel to please post theese kind of questions on Sleuth Talk, as the subscription section was not at all the place for such things.
May be you want to help me come to the conclusion that there are NO places to post when you have ideas for game improvement? Well, this kind of attempt of shutting the mouth of those who don't agree with you are not that inspiring...
Ah... Now I see, may be we should suggest that a board be created in say Shanghai, where we freely can discuss topics you don't like... - because there the newbies don't get to read it ;-)
Also, I think I can tell you that newbies who consider subscribing don't read the boards that much. I have had a couple of different tries with giving out a one month free gift subscription, but there have actually been so little interest to those post's that I have hardly been able to give any.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter

May-28-2008 13:00

I've mentioned before about I'd like more message boards in a variety of places. We already have the cabaret, the races, and Top of the World Tea Shop. A board in London and Delhi (and maybe Cairo) would round out the set.

Of course, it's true that the one's we have don't get much use.

Safety Officer

May-29-2008 00:22

lol well it's true. If you want something not to be read by anybody post it in the Subscribers Section. :D

Old Shoe

May-29-2008 03:39

lol SS. That's not true huglover when I was newbie I was king(let) of these ere boards. I think lots of newbies read the boards, but don't post on them. It's a shame.

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