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Tea Steepers

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Apr-17-2008 13:23

I notice several players keep bringing items to the TS after they get their negotiation skill. Is there anything to gain by going beyond 50 pts?


Pinball Amateur

Apr-17-2008 13:30

Beyond fame and the chance to see their names in pretty lights, no, not really. ;-)

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter

Apr-17-2008 16:45

Unless they're attempting to stumble across some great unknown yet-to-be-found secret I can't think of any reason.

Safety Officer

Apr-17-2008 20:45

In a galaxy far, far, away, Ben once touted that there would be 'more' rewards for players, with the Steepers and the Tigers, dependent on Rep, so some people began trying to get ahead of the game.

I think some players even thought that the missing Secret background might be obtainable by reaching a certain rep. with Steepers or Tigers.

Though even I'm surprised to see Vellozo at 275 with the Steepers & Samuka at 245 with Tigers! 'Holy Exploding Favour Rewards' Batman. LOL. Takes a lot of effort and organisation to get that far ahead of the crowd! :)

Maybe at 500... maybe not... ;)

miss snopes
miss snopes

Apr-23-2008 10:14

I have nothing left to gain from it but when I go to pick up my prize for an avh, if I drop off an item with the Tea Steepers on my way in, I actually make $800 for my travel rather than pay $4000 to travel (travel kit in tow).

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