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Arch Villain Hunt Tournament
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Apr-12-2008 15:09

Well it never took off over on the AVL site, so Dawg Pound Investigations is proud to announce that we will be holding a tournament. lilangel and myself have been working the past few weeks to get enough teams interested and finally have them together. If all goes well, there will be more tournaments to follow which we will make open to all agencies. Our tournament will begin on Monday, April 14 and will be 4 or 5 rounds. details can be viewed here:

Any questions feel free to PM me. We will also use this thread for any trash talking that the players want to begin with. Let the fun begin! :-D


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Oct-8-2008 11:02

Good luck everyone and let's have fun :)))))))


Oct-8-2008 12:03

Good luck to all and may the best ones win :)

Happy sleuthing !


Oct-9-2008 19:48

Allright folks, we had a couple of unfortunate mishaps in this match in the way of failed hunts. Now I never addressed failed hunts in this match so I needed to make a decision and that decision will stand for this match. In each instance, the person who failed could not get back to Shangra La to start another hunt that day so I allowed them to pick a substitute to fill in for them. With this they pay the penalty of losing cases as this puts them behind in the hunt.

There are several factors that went into this decision, mostly, by that tema losing automatically, the 2nd leg of that team would not get a chance to participate in the match. the whole purpose is to have fun and that's what I want everyone to do.

All that being said. The decision I made for this match will stand, I do hope this does not discourage anyone and I am open to any and all feedback that you, the community, have on this issue. Feel free to post here. Please try to keep it friendly, if you feel the need to cuss at me, do that VIA PM cuz I don't wnat to see the rest of the community to see me cry for having hurt feelings! ;-)

Story Teller

Oct-9-2008 23:34

I think, on the fly, you have to do what you have to do. Really it's just great to see so many participants.

If this was an ongoing competition then I'd probably suggest that the same person just start a new hunt the next day, or, you give them an after-hunt time penalty.

Not that anyone would, and without wishing to sow the seeds of a 'cunning plan', but you could easily park an alt. or agency mate in Shangri La with a view to having a sneaky guess in City 1 when you have it narrowed down to two, knowing that if you fail someone else could pick up the pieces with no penalty.

As it is I don't think anyone would have had the foresight to do that in this instance.

Thanks for being decisive ctown :)


Oct-10-2008 06:38

Thanks for the vote of confidence SS. I'll make an offcial rule the next time one of these matches happens where a fail doesnt end it for you.

Now, looks like our first capture for this match is done by Aknas. That means miss snopes can begin her hunt right at turnover as she has been tagged. Will we see any other day 3 capture and tags?

Sleuth About Town

Oct-10-2008 08:10

I agree with SS. Sometimes ya gotta shoot from the hip. Good job.

However, speaking for myself, (and maybe some other agents),

I think it's kinda funny when ya cry. LOL.

Just kiddin', bud. ;-)

Madalyn Fabree
Madalyn Fabree

Oct-10-2008 11:28

Well, I certainly am not going to be tagging my partner on day 3. My hunt is rigged. Why else would I receive EAST OF THE BANK for three days straight? LOL

Brady Quinn
Brady Quinn

Oct-10-2008 13:58

Me neither, can't make a tag when you have 8 quits, yes count them 8 quits in one day. still stuck in City 2. Evil, evil Delhi!

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Oct-10-2008 16:46


miss snopes
miss snopes

Oct-10-2008 19:57

Ctown, excellent decision! I love that noone was disqualified and substitutions were allowed. It's like an avh twist. ;-)

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