Jesse Hunter
Apr-1-2008 13:54
A thread in a message board in a mystery game on the internet in the 21st century (i.e. reality) about everything and nothing. Just a place to hang out when the cases are done and the addiction still lingers.
Welcome! Some things you should know:
1. You can't wander off topic, there isn't one.
2. Fighting or bickering will not be tolerated, as per the Code of Conduct.
3. Even though YOU happen to be a dear sweet gentle lamb, if your sleuth persona wants to fight or bicker "in character", it's STILL fighting and bickering.
4. Polite and passive aggressive fighting and bickering is STILL...etc etc.
5. Feel free to converse, emote, ramble, post in 3rd person or spanglish, whatever suits your fancy. It's unhijackable!
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Apr-17-2008 21:38
Squirrel, there are animal rights laws in this world, now maybe you werent talkiing about an actual parrot but I do think its best if you keep that type of thing to yourself.
Safety Officer
Apr-17-2008 22:47
lol. well I brought htis up elsewhere in newbies in reply to a post of sophies, but it still amazes me that no-one has found secret theme #1! Or maybe someone has and they're not willing to speak up.
Anyway. What's your theory for what might unlock Secret Theme #2?
I have TWO.
1. (and this is one Serges and I chatted about a long time ago) that you somehow manage to get GREAT standing with all the normal factions (-Steepers and Tigers)
2. that Secret Theme #1 will be presented to the person who posts something so ridiculously self-centred and / or stupid on the boards that it gives crunchpatty an embolism whilst he's trying to get down a witty ranty crunchpatty-esque diatribe response. :)
Safety Officer
Apr-17-2008 22:48
der squirrel unlock secret theme #1
Sleuth About Town
Apr-20-2008 02:00
*cries* Where have most of the sleuthers gone? *sniff, sniff*
Oh, I get it now, we're trying to be eerily quiet as though we're plotting a murder... but one problem with that issue... We're DETECTIVES... we solve crimes not make them.
*flees before someone catches her*
Old Shoe
Apr-20-2008 15:30
No we set up murders and then pin it on some one else so that we can make money. :)
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Apr-20-2008 16:36
Yeah, yeah yeah.....Squirrel ...I know what you may vaguely be refering to. I thought about that when I first started playing. Its a "forest for the trees" or the "nose on your face" thing. Is it too late for me to access it though? That is the first question.
Jesse Hunter
Apr-21-2008 15:01
time slow to a crawl when you're treasure hunting.
Jesse Hunter
Apr-21-2008 15:02
subject-verb agreement go bad, too
Story Teller
Apr-21-2008 15:53
ugh beat chest. kill dinosaur. primal scream.
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Apr-22-2008 02:53
beer bad. fire pretty.