CONTEST: 50 Words or Less II
Mar-19-2008 09:26
The Idea: Using a given opening line, you must write a story that uses 50 words or less. The opening line does not count toward your word total.
The Rules:
* I will give a total of 5 opening lines. You may choose whichever line(s) you wish to use.
* There are two ways to enter: (A) single paragraph stories and (B) extended stories. You may either enter (A) or (B). The only way to enter both is to use only three or four starting lines for the extended story entry, and use the remaining one or two for the single paragraph stories.
* To enter (A): You may write an entry for as many of the opening lines as you like, but only 1 story for each line. So, your maximum number of entries is 5. If you only like 3 of the opening lines, then write 3 stories. However, the stories should not be related.
* To enter (B): Again, you may use as many of the opening lines as you like, but only once each. They should all be submitted as one entry, creating an overall story, although each separate paragraph with opening line should be able to stand alone as its own story.
(If you have not seen last year’s contest, please check out this thread and see how the entries were submitted: http://noir.playsleuth.com/map/cityhall/post.spy?id=22695)
* Your story or stories must make sense. It/they also should be mystery-related, or be mysterious with a really interesting twist.
* Spelling and grammar DO count. Please. Spellcheck is our friend.
*All entries must be posted no later than 11:59 PM server time on March 29, 2008.
Prizes: YAY! We love prizes. The winners will receive a two-month subscription and some Sleuth cash.
Your opening lines:
1. Leo smirked like a guilty man who knows there’s no evidence.
2. Nobody knew if it was true except one person, and she wasn’t talking.
3. The small box was as full as it could be.
4. I never assumed the search was done.
5. Tilly watched every move he made, ready to break out into a loud screech.
Replies |
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
Mar-31-2008 11:39
Dear Anikka we are expecting some comments or final results after the contest was over on the 11:59 PM server time on March 29, 2008.
Could you please be so kind to inform us ?
Mar-31-2008 12:37
VS, please give Ani some time to get together with the judges before they make the final decsion, sometimes that can be hard to coordinate for them all to be online at the same time. I'm sure Ani is working on getting it done, please be patient.
Pinball Amateur
Mar-31-2008 12:52
In the meantime, perhaps y'all would like to peruse this. Hope you enjoy it!! ;-D
The small box was as full as it could be. Toys, bottles of bubbles, books, coloring books and crayons, stuffed animals, all were crammed in as tight as they could fit. I lifted the treasury from the upper depths of the closet, then, making one stop, I went off to go hide my trove all over the garden.
Nobody knew if it was true except one person, and she wasn’t talking. Could it be true? Whispers flew from children to adults alike. Rumor had it that this year, there was a special prize for one lucky hunter. Who would it be? What was the prize? A bell sounded. Everyone raced off into the garden to explore for Easter goodies.
Tilly watched every move he made, ready to break out into a loud screech. Mama said she was too little to join in the hunt, that the other kids would squish her. But she’d smiled and cooed a secret in her ear as she’d set her down to play. Now, she watched her older cousin Leo, as he hoarded his goodies from the others.
Leo smirked like a guilty man who knows there’s no evidence. He’d filled his basket full of eggs and candy, and even a book from Great-Aunt Gertrude. He sat in a corner of the garden, and began stuffing candy in his mouth. He’d show them. Why should he have to share with the others anyway? Finders, keepers.
I never assumed the search was done. Long after others had quit, I knew there was still more to find. I sent everyone back out again. Suddenly, Tilly shrieked. There, at the edge of the garden, stood Great-Aunt Gertrude, beaming from ear to ear. She held up the bunny for all to see. “Happy Easter!” she called.
Safety Officer
Mar-31-2008 16:14
thaks breit :) it's always fun to have new posts after cut off. There have been some great comps where people have kept contributing long after the prizes were given out. :D
Lucky Stiff
Mar-31-2008 20:14
A very seasonal entry, thanks Breit!
Lucky Stiff
Mar-31-2008 20:42
One more...
The small box was as full as it could be.
I tried to stuff more in but, darn, it just wouldn't fit! I gave up, I had better take momma's advice.
Cash in hand, I went to the bank to open a savings account.
Mar-31-2008 20:43
I love the post-deadline entries. :-D
In any case, the judges are still working on this contest, and I'll make an announcement as soon as I have the winners. 'kay? 'kay.
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
Mar-31-2008 22:25
Thanks for the info
-Nice and sweet entry Breitkat!
Pinball Amateur
Mar-31-2008 22:39
Thanks, everyone! I'm glad y'all like it!! ;-D
Apr-1-2008 00:39
Okay, I'd like to start with a huge Thank You to everyone who entered! As usual, you guys come up with some great stuff. Makes it hard to choose, but that's a judge's life.
So, originally was going to just be first place winners (based on the past few contests, which had very few entries), but you guys really came out for this one, so prizes will be as follows:
1st place: two month sub, $100k Sleuthcash
2nd place: one month sub, $50k Sleuthcash
3rd place: $25k Sleuthcash
For the Extended Stories, the winners are:
1st place: Secret Squirrel
2nd place: Brasco De Gama
3rd place: Rosamund Clifford
For the Single Story entries, the winners are:
1st place: Aunt Pittypat
2nd/3rd place: Rich J. Mayo
(tied) Marmalade3
Honourable Mention: Y'all Can Call Me Bucky (you owe me a new computer screen, dang it!)
Congratulations to our winners, and to all the entrants for a job well done!!